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Only my 2nd night at Saturn all Summer

stepping beyond

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I started out night before last with my Phillips spc900nc webcam and a 5x powermate and got nowhere using Sharpcap 2.9  , I thought my collimation was off but , I used my homemade bahtinov mask and it looked good " even spiking" . I dropped down to a 3x  barlow  and within no time  1min.@60fps a 2000 frame avi. The 1st night was the first time imaging Saturn this year with my Phillips webcam and though I missed my opportunity for the Zenith sessions due to weather . Saturn was descending in the West, that might be why I'm having so much trouble pulling detail I had a Laser die on me and it might be setting a bit off , think? I need some  Stargazer help and advice it would be greatly appreciated in getting me through these frustrating nights. 1st night and 2nd nights images used [Pipp, Reg6 and PScs2]. Help me ! please

Saturn 1.jpg


22_19_53-2 Saturn 3.tif

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