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Lakeside motor focuser and Win10


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Anybody got a Lakeside motor focuser working with Win10 ?

Just tried mine and get a focuser not connected message and it doesn't show up in device manager.

It works on Win XP, Win7 and Win 8.1

Looked on the Lakeside website but it doesn't mention Win10


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I have a lakeside and can connect using a Win10 laptop.  I do find that sometimes though it won't connect especially when a lot of things are connecting at the same time.  I resolve this by cycling the power (waiting 30s) on the lakeside unit and then it connects fine.

Edit - Also if you try and connect the software through the wrong port that can give it issues too - again cycling resolves it but I recommend determining which com port it is sitting on as the first thing to do.


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It says COM1 but it fails to connect, tried it as the only thing plugged in on USB.

Doesn't show up at all in device manager.

It's acting as if there's no driver but getting no Windows messages to say this, got an "allow to make changes" when installing the driver but no "new hardware detected" message when plugging it in for the first time but I have had other stuff that I've plugged into Win10 that has just started working without any messages so maybe they've done away with it ?


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  • 4 months later...

I had this problem with mine too - plugging it into another port - or simply plugging/unplugging it in the same usb port worked for me too.

I think it must be registering (finally) with the "plugn'play" functionality - searching for the driver and then finding it?


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1 hour ago, zicklurky said:

Mine doesn't like being connected to my USB hub, so I give it it's own USB port on the laptop and it works perfectly. Apart from that, never had any issues, really happy with it.

Once mine is "connected" I can run it through my usb hub, along with 3 other cameras and the mount :-) 

Just another qwerk to the operation of this equipment :-)


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11 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Mine is now working faultlessly connected to a Startech USB3 hub, the only weird thing is if I don't connect it to Maxim immediately I have to switch it off and on again.


Hi Dave - I use that hub too

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