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Thoughts on which imaging rigs to concentrate on


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Yes there are some in there - three now I think whereas there was only one when I first started using PI.  Haven't looked to see what they do yet - need to get INDI working first.  I have INDI working fine with the ASC including Astroberry drivers and GPIO but having problem with the latest RPi setup.

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Had a thought.  ATM I'm not using any of the Astroberry controls in my ASC Mark 6 - the new lens is so much better in illuminating the camera sensor that I don't need long exposures and camera cooling (which I provided myself with a Peltier TEC controlled with Astroberry Board driver).  Without the cooling the camera seems to generate enough heat to keep the dome clear of dew so I'm not currently using the dew heaters.  So the thought is to swap the micro SD between ASC and imaging rig.  That should give me GPIO for my imaging rig.

Second thought - if I do that I'll need to set up WiFi in the new RPi system, which it hasn't got ATM.

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For the scope rig I shall only want the Astroberry Focuser driver apart from all the standard ones.  There's plenty of room so I can use an already made HAT with Pololu stepper driver module and buck converter. 

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I've backed up the system from my ASC Mark 6 and written onto a new micro SD card.  Tried same size at first (8GB) but the source was very slightly bigger than the destination so wouldn't fit so I had to use a bigger card.  Now to try it...

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So far so good - have camera, Astroberry focus and Astroberry card working :)  Next will be to upgrade libindi to include the ZWO EFW which wasn't included when this system was set up I don't think.  I'll try it first though as I don't know whether the new driver was available on my last upgrade.  The EFW is currently out in the observatory and it's raining heavily so won't be getting it until the rain stops.

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Realised I didn't actually need the FW connected to check for the driver so just ran indiserver -m 100 -vv indi_rpifocus indi_rpibrd indi_asi_ccd indi_asi_wheel and got this :-


Driver indi_asi_wheel: 2017-01-29T14:39:55: Driver indi_asi_wheel: execlp: No such file or directory

So not installed.  Then did an update, upgrade and reboot and tried again but still get the same result :(  I would have thought that an upgrade would get the latest libindi but it seems not.

Aarrgghh!!  Back to square one :(  Should I start again with a clean OS and install libindi and all the rest again?  Or is there a quicker way?

I now have one system with Astroberry stuff and no ZWO EFW and another with ZWO EFW and no Astroberry :(

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Tried installing latest libindi but it didn't work :(  Looks like I shall have to wipe the clone SD and install Raspbian Jessie and the all the INDI stuff etc.  I don't know why this keeps going wrong, I've set up several RPi from scratch.  Though it was with an earlier version of libindi before indi_asi_wheel driver was added.

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This is getting really depressing :(  I wonder if I can would out a plan of attack then see if it works.  One thing that seems to confuse is the directory structure of the RPi software installation.  Must see if I can sort this out.

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Unpacked and installed using the commands:-

$ tar -xzf libindi_1.3.1_rpi.tar.gz
$ cd libindi_1.3.1_rpi
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Then tried :-

$ indiserver -m 100 -vv indi_rpifocus indi_rpibrd indi_asi_ccd indi_asi_wheel

But only the camera worked and showed in Ekos.

I have a feeling that some of the stuff already installed is upsetting things.  Starting completely afresh now seems best.


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Well, I installed Raspbian onto the card and put the card into the RPi and tried to SSH into it but it wouldn't :)

I dunno - why won't anything work?  Guess I'll have to give up :(  Maybe try again tomorrow but don't know if that will make any difference - think I need help...

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Checked the RPi LAN connection - fine.

Tried all these :-

gina@gina-mint-PI ~ $ ssh pi@raspberrypi
ssh: connect to host raspberrypi port 22: Connection refused
gina@gina-mint-PI ~ $ ssh pi@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
gina@gina-mint-PI ~ $ sudo ssh pi@
[sudo] password for gina: 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
gina@gina-mint-PI ~ $ 


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Found this


As of November 2016, SSH is disabled by default on raspbian.

The easiest way to get around this is to place a file called "SSH" on the SD card (notice no file extension). SSH will then be enabled.

Can't find out how to create a file without an extension though :(

Stuck again - guess it must be bedtime!!!!!!


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Created a file SSH without extension in Windows and copied it to my Linux box ready to copy to the SD card.  The file list in TeamViewer showed the type as "File" but when I listed it in Linux it had grown a ".txt" extension :(  And SSH.txt will NOT enable SSH.  This is silly!!!!

One last thing to try before ordering a NOOBS micro SD card for the RPi - NOOBS includes Raspbian and has SSH enabled by default - and that's to download NOOBS and write that to the card.  Wish me luck...

I wonder why they decided to turn SSH OFF by default :(

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Thanks Marci :)  Unfortunately, those instructions rely on connecting the RPi to monitor, keyboard and mouse/trackball - I don't want to do that - I know I can set it up that way but I want to run headless right from the start.  The SSH file in the /boot dir should do the trick if I do it right :D

I'm still a bit rusty on Linux :D  Did lots a few years ago...  The SSH file didn't have an extension in my Linux desktop but it hadn't copied to the /boot directory on the SD card.  Now have the card back in the Linux desktop and have copied the SSH file to the card with  $ cp home/gina/ttt/SSH media/gina/boot

gina@gina-mint-PI / $ cp home/gina/ttt/SSH media/gina/boot
gina@gina-mint-PI / $ ls media/gina/boot
bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb       cmdline.txt    issue.txt         start_cd.elf
bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb  config.txt     kernel7.img       start_db.elf
bcm2708-rpi-cm.dtb      COPYING.linux  kernel.img        start.elf
bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb     fixup_cd.dat   LICENCE.broadcom  start_x.elf
bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb     fixup.dat      LICENSE.oracle
bcm2710-rpi-cm3.dtb     fixup_db.dat   overlays
bootcode.bin            fixup_x.dat    SSH
gina@gina-mint-PI / $ 

Now to put the card into the RPi...

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