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New need help please!

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Hi everyone I'm new to the forum and scopes.


I'm just wondering if anyone could help me. I've set up my scope (Jessops TA 700-76) I've had it for quite awhile, tens years I think, been too scared to use it until now. Was just wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to focus it properly as the images are terrible. Also why is the image upside down and how do I turn it right way up?


thanks in advance Rosie

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Hi Rosie, a very warm welcome to the forum.  You must be looking at objects in the daylight.  Because of the mirror orientation of a reflector telescope all images produced will be upside down and back to front.  In daytime this matters, but as this telescope is an astronomy instrument it is usually used to view the night sky.  When looking at the night sky the orientation of the image does not matter as there is no upside-down, sideways etc in the night sky or deep space. 

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Hello and welcome to SGL. The Jessops TA700-76 is a reflector telescope and the inverted image is normal for this type of telescope, but this doesn't matter for a celestial telescope because there is no up or down. For focussing I find the best way is to wind the focuser outwards first and then wind in until the image gets sharp and then wind a little further in until the image starts to go out of focus and then slowly wind the focuser outwards again until the image gets sharp again.

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Hi rwilkey,

Thank you for your reply. I was looking in the daylight. In the manual it says it's best practising in the daylight although I can't see how. I will try tonight as it's going to be clear skies. Hopefully it will work. 


Again thank you!

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Hello Rosie, the best object for first time observing is the Moon, it will be low down tonight, it 

sets at 23.30, but if you can see it from your location, even in twilight, you can practice on that,

turn the focuser very slowly, if the image gets bigger you are turning it the wrong way, it will get

smaller the nearer to focus it gets, the Moon is wonderful through a telescope.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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