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wcrmac and wccontrl

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Do I really need these { wcrmac and wccontrl } for webcam control using Sharpcap2.8? I'm using a spc900nc modified webcam and I keep getting a blue background with it during capture. HELP! please with this issue , we've been in a Bermuda high for a month and soon as it breaks { I'll be going full throttle}.

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WcRmac is for flashing a webcam into Raw mode, so is not needed when you are imaging.

WcCtrl is much better for setting webcam exposure than the Philips software, but the controls on SharpCap2.8 are just as good, so again not needed.


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On 10/08/2016 at 02:20, michael8554 said:

It's been a long time since I used my TouCam in RAW mode, but I've just had a vague memory that you need to use WcCtrl to set up the camera correctly each time you image.


Nowadays SharpCap will should handle shooting in RAW mode without the need for WcCtrl.

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