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My first Solar picture


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Hello Guys,

At long last, after fighting with webcams, reducers and goodness knows what else to get one complete image, here is my first.

Any advice to clean it up and make it more professional looking gladly accepted.

I used a Baader-filtered, Celestron 114eq with an ordinary Kelner 20mm lens with a 50% reducer, yellow filter and variable polariser turned about halfway up to reduce the intensity. 

Then I used a cheap mobile phone holder to hold my Samsung phone close to the eyepiece and a 2 second delay to allow any vibrations to die down.

Four photos have been stacked with AutoStakkert (I cna't work out how to use Registax 6) and here is the result, reduced to about 700kB:

Camera Uploads_g3_ap614_50%.png

The left hand side is a bit blurred, maybe not positioned well enough, ditto blue stain at top left.

Any advice welcome,



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