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M101 a fond farewell to the 314L+


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Hi all this is my last image with my beloved Atik 314L+ as it has now been sold on to a new owner who I hope enjoys it as much as I did ,as I will be upgrading to another Atik the 460EX fairly soon.

This was taken early hours last Sunday with additional data I captured on May 27th. I have been guilty of over processing recently which is a trap so easily fallen into with the powerful tools available from PI. Hopefully I have not done so here. I processed this using a combination of PI and photoshop and am quite pleased with the result 

Sundays data LRGB x 9 at 500secs

Mays data LRGB x 15 at 300secs

All comments welcome, thanks for looking

M101 31st july 2016.jpg


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Now that I am at my computer, I can have a better view of your image. There seems to be a lot of detail just at the noise threshold to the right of the galaxy. Longer exposures and/or more subs may make this a superb image. Maybe something to challenge your 460EX?

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Thank you all for the great comments really appreciate it

19 hours ago, wimvb said:

Now that I am at my computer, I can have a better view of your image. There seems to be a lot of detail just at the noise threshold to the right of the galaxy. Longer exposures and/or more subs may make this a superb image. Maybe something to challenge your 460EX?

Yes didn't want to overstretch the image to get this detail as you said more subs where required. I am really looking forward to the 460 EX hopefully will have it within the next 10 days or so

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You probably did it already in your postprocessing, but I found that a masked stretch followed later on in processing by a carefull exponential stretch, can bring out more of the faint detail. But as I wrote before: more data is always better than more stretching.

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