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Observing Aquila.


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Aquila , Altair with Tarazed above it is easily picked out . Altair is one of the fastest rotating stars, the equator diameter being twice the polar diameter. Tarazed is near the great Milky Way rift near to the dark nebula B143.

The area has some lovely targets,

Open clusters.
NGC 6709 wonderful at x40.Like a dancing dog !
NGC 6755. Faint with two bands. Adjacent to
NGC 6756 noted a cross here.
NGC 6738 elongate stick insect. Very open.
Berk 80 at 18h 54.3m.  -01 13'
Berk 82 at 19h 11.3m.     +13 06'
King 25 at 19h 24.5m.  +13 42'
Cr 401 at 19h 38.3m.   +00 20'

Planetary nebulae.
NGC 6741, the "Phantom Streak".(+12)
NGC 6751 (+12)
NGC 6778
NGC 6781 .("Ghost of the Moon") UHC filter x120-220.
NGC 6804
NGC 6803 good star field nearby.(+11)
NGC 6807  x70 showed brightness. Very small, blinks.
NGC 6790 small.
IC 4846 (+12)

Globular cluster.
NGC 6760 (+9.1)

NGC 6814 (+11.2)

Although some of these are faint , some contrast can be achieved by increasing the magnification.

Sissy Haas gives over 40 binaries here. Of these I noted as pleasing,
Σ 2404 a pair of orange gems.
11 Aquilae yellow and blue at x50 in a dense field.
Σ 2446 gives yellow and green at x100.
h 881 gives a lovely triple.
23 Aquilae showing a lovely 3.0" split.
Σ 2533 between Nu and Iota.
Good 1.4" tester at π Aquilae, at x200.
Σ 2590 orange and blue in a full field.
The Eagle Creek gives a full list .these are superb targets.

Clear skies !


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Excellent summary, Nick. Very useful! Many of these targets I have never heard about before. Aquila is a richer constellation than we often think!

May I be so insolent an add one target? :happy11:

There is a beautiful and interesting variable star, R Aql, a beautiful Mira type variable star worth having a watch on:




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