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1 hour ago, Chris said:

You know me Lee, of course it's going to be a youtube video 😄 I'm lost for words hearing that you had 6 clear nights out of 7! What how who what? I'll head over and check out the image now :)

I'll look forward to your video. I know right all those clear night's, definitely used up my quota for the year now but so worth it after 7 weeks without one 😊

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Here's the Big Gun last night, sporting its new ASI071 Camera and, having it's first light, its new Sesto Senso 2 focuser.  It's imaging the Bubble Nebula/M52 region here. If anyone is interested I could run a master class in cable management! (you should have seen it before I tidied it up...)


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2 minutes ago, Mike73 said:

North Cornwall for the night. Last time I was here (about 6 years ago) I was observing, now it’s imaging. My old SQM readings for this place was around 21.8 mag. 


Where is that this looks amazing? Can you just rock up and camp? Thanks

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Main scope is out tonight. I guess the Apo honeymoon is over. Trying it on a counterweighted AZT6 tonight, feels quite smooth actually.

Nevermind the overflowing flowerbeds. That's the way we like 'em.


Later.... Meh. Collimation is out big time, clouds have rolled in, working on my book projects instead. On the plus side, the AZT6 worked brilliantly. I didn't think it could cope with the C6, but it likes the extra load and bulk.

Edited by Ags
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18 minutes ago, Mike73 said:

North Cornwall for the night. Last time I was here (about 6 years ago) I was observing, now it’s imaging. My old SQM readings for this place was around 21.8 mag. 


Good luck Mike just about 3 miles from me you'll have amazing clear dark skies tonight, North Cornwall ain't going to disappoint you, what target have you in mind, M31?, clear skies friend 

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1 hour ago, Mike73 said:

North Cornwall for the night. Last time I was here (about 6 years ago) I was observing, now it’s imaging. My old SQM readings for this place was around 21.8 mag. 


What a beautiful spot! one could not ask for more, except maybe a fold up table with some drinks and treats to keep one busy while imaging.

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14 minutes ago, Dave scutt said:

Little and Large are getting ready for tonight's rare event.

A clear sky🤣


Looks great! Have fun out there!

A question, do you observe with the dob on its trolley, and if so is it still stable/without vibration due to the tyres etc?

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Better pop this one on here then. APM LZOS 130mm f6 out for its first light last night.

Also one of the Tak out tonight for a quick session on Jupiter to see Europa pop into view at around 9.40pm.






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Any help stu in finding more objects. 

Hercules cluster, m31 ,m81,m82 was no problem but can't find any nebula with uhc filter or any other galaxies . Using different apps on my phone to know were to look but no luck

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29 minutes ago, Dave scutt said:

Any help stu in finding more objects. 

Hercules cluster, m31 ,m81,m82 was no problem but can't find any nebula with uhc filter or any other galaxies . Using different apps on my phone to know were to look but no luck

Perhaps give M27 and M57 a go? Relatively easy to find, and both will benefit from a UHC. M27 forms the fourth apex of roughly rectangular shape including Sade, Albireo and Gienah in Cygnus. M57 sits between Sulafat and Sheliak in Lyra. It is much smaller and needs higher power to see the ring shape clearly.

Good luck!



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I was about to take a couple of pics after the session, however I became distracted by the collapsed years old metal garden chair underneath me... while I lay on my back on top of it. My head snug amongst the border pots...

The old body sustained a few aches, pains and scratches but is otherwise intact! Do not worry, the telescope is OK! Although watching the Vixen eyepiece roll along the floor in slow motion did nearly give me a heart attack.  It was in my hand as I fell and reminiscent of that war movie scene were the apparently dead soldier rolls a grenade from his hand!

I kept things simple, deploying the AZ5 and 102ED. Combined with the new Vixen SLV 4mm, I managed memorable observations of Saturn, including cloud bands not seen before. The view definitely justified the expense. The Vixen is my fourth 4mm and undoubtedly the best I've owned. A keeper.

A pic from last winter in the same config...


Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Better pop this one on here then. APM LZOS 130mm f6 out for its first light last night.

Also one of the Tak out tonight for a quick session on Jupiter to see Europa pop into view at around 9.40pm.






Crikey I missed that lovely scope arriving Stu 👍🏻
Been a bit distracted the last couple of days.


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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Better pop this one on here then. APM LZOS 130mm f6 out for its first light last night.

Also one of the Tak out tonight for a quick session on Jupiter to see Europa pop into view at around 9.40pm.






That APM, a beautiful scope on a beautiful mount on a beautiful tripod, it is perfect and, too much for my weak heart.

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Well, it's clear! But I'm sure no one wants another snap of my scope sat posing in the back garden so here is the software part of my set-up in action.

APT filling its boots on the Perseus galaxy cluster:


Lots of tiny fuzzies centered on NGC 1275. 

Guiding is very nice again, the new camera and focuser are working well and I'm off to bed leaving it all running. I'm up for work in less than 5 hours! :)

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At last with the clear skies! Can't remember when we last had them!
Thought I'd send in my setup which allowed a comfortable 2hrs of lights and 1hr of darks, after learning polar alignment and plate solving with KStars/EKOS, so simple and so glad I've found out how to use it!
Rather pleased that I have virtually no excess cables anywhere, all short USBs to the RPi and then power to the RPi, camera and mount are the only cables dangling anywhere. About to also add buck converter for camera too so only one power socket controlling the lot, then this will transfer to dark-site with single battery (or at least that's the plan!)


Just to work out the best workflow of image processing! Hoping for more clear skies later this week for us all!

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On 05/08/2021 at 06:51, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Waiting for bortle 3 darkness to arrive, two weeks ago


That is lovely garden and location Barry.

That is what I will have next year in mid Wales. 

Hopefully 👍

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