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These 5 inch refractors are mouthwatering :icon_biggrin:

Here is another in action at night but, alas, it's not mine. This is Sir Patrick Moore's 5 inch Cooke refractor. A scope which I found instantly appealing the moment I saw my first photo of it many years ago:


The influence that the above scope had on me has undoubtedly led to the TMB/LZOS 130 that I currently own, below on a GP DX mount. The closest I've come to owning something like Sir Patrick's Cooke. The GP DX was right at it's limit with this F/9.2 refractor:



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15 minutes ago, dweller25 said:

It is a GP-DX (10kg rating) and holds the FS128 well.

Personally I would not put a TSA120 on a GP (7kg rating), but the GP-DX would be fine.

Good to know, my local scope shop mentioned that Vixen underrates their mounts, I had my 115 Eon on this mount which weighs in at 15.2 lbs, looking at the tSA120 it seems to be 3 Lbs lighter!. This is not to say that i was overloading my GP with the Eon 115 but, it seemed to handle the weigh without issue, I just don't want to overload it because who knows what effects it can have on the mount in long term. The fact the TSA120 is 3 Lbs lighter than my 115 was is surprising.


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Not every might is as successful, but it shows the set-up at night and due to lack of wind the background is interesting. This video was shot three days ago from 9pm UTC to 5am UTC, but I truncated the last few hours as those were completely white overhead).

More night-time videos on my channel.



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1 hour ago, Newforestgimp said:

Bring on the Night...


For a second I was confused thinking you were waiting for night with your Coronado, then I realized I was looking at a batinov mask and not an etalon.  😂

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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

For a second I was confused thinking you were waiting for night with your Coronado, then I realized I was looking at a batinov mask and not an etalon.  😂

It’s bad enough waiting for clear skies at night in the uk, waiting for the sun ? That’s just crazy talk !!! 😎

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Indoors in the attic - not as bright as it looks on the photo . It's a school night and it's comfy for a hour or two to catch up my learning with the Asiair or for a quick peek between the clouds. One towards Orion t'other up at Pleiades.


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38 minutes ago, Dean Hale said:

Indoors in the attic - not as bright as it looks on the photo . It's a school night and it's comfy for a hour or two to catch up my learning with the Asiair or for a quick peek between the clouds. One towards Orion t'other up at Pleiades.


Nice image! getting a Galileo workshop vibe from this image.

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After I bought my first RASA 8 less tha a year ago I have become a great fan of that scope, as you can see from my Astrobin. So tonight I have the "old" RASA 8 ready in Obsy 3 (the decicated obsy I built for it) and in Obsy 1 my Esprits were just put in their boxes to give place for first light of my new second RASA 8. The plan is that both will be aiming at IFN near M81 - but the clouds are yet not co-operating......


Edited by gorann
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Well, technically it’s not my equipment. We gave this SW 150 dob to our younger daughter for her 8th birthday. She’s now a hospital Dr and we’ve not seen her since Christmas, so thought it would be nice to get it out to reminisce.  I never cease to be amazed at how good this instrument is.


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