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Andromeda Galaxy

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Part of Andromeda Galaxy (M31) with companion galaxy M110. This is a bit of an experiment really. The Andromeda Galaxy is too big and too close to us to be able to fit it all in one frame with my 1500mm focal length scope (it appears about the size of six full moons side by side to us), and using a normal lens to capture it inevitably means a loss of detail. So the aim here is to capture some of the galaxy with its core and outer edges along its most noticeable satellite galaxy. So far its had just 48 minutes of exposure time and from a darker location than usual (Kelvedon Common in Essex). The results are encouraging - some more exposure and it could look quite nice, and maybe inspire me to put together a mosaic at some point so all of the galaxy is shown. Unfortunately we ran out of battery power before getting sufficient frames to finish this shot so it's one to return to later - hopefully on a clear night with no full moon.

 6 x 8 minute exposures at 400 ISO (48 minutes)
27 x dark frames
20 x flat frames
21 x bias/offset frames (subtracted from flat frames only)

Captured with digiCamControl
Guided with PHD2
Processed in Nebulosity, Maxim DL and Photoshop

Celestron NexStar 127 SLT
Skywatcher EQ5 Mount
Orion 50mm Mini Guide Scope
ZWO ASI120 MC imaging and guiding camera
Canon 700D DSLR

New 03a.jpg

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