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Ha, White Light, black and white


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Had a rare chance at solar observing today and decided to max out and celebrate.

I normally favour Ha but the spots are definitely the biggest game in town at present so it was WL most of the time.

Joy unbounded.



Joy unbounded.JPG

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Absolutely, even though there's a large prom in 4 o'clock in PST (early afternoon), the sunspots are just so much more impressive. binoviewing upp to 122x in 120ED, picked up some more details on the small sun spot, which is a bit away from the big three.

I'm kind of confused of view in PST and white light now:confused:

The three larger sunspots lined up to about 10 o'clock(early afternoon), both in PST and through the wedge, but the features in each sunspot were just up and down reversed! e.g. the left most sunspot, with largest part under the two fainter ones in PST, but that big one was on top of the fainter ones. hm...

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I agree, the different orientations in different scopes; what's on GONG; what other observers report: it's all mixed up and around. It just seems to underline the old chestnut that, in space, there is no up or down. At least, that's how I quiet my troubled head. ?

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