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Slow Site

Martin 2

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Yes I am on Wanadoo, and the site hangs when loading, almost to the time out point.

Also posts and accessing features are slow. Have been of and on all day. Other sites are ok, just here unfortunately. :lol:


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I'll let you all into a behind the scenes look, awhile ago I built a system so that I could monitor the server performance, heres a typical day:


This was from the end of December, this is today:


The blue line indicates how busy the server is, the lower the better, as you can see, it's pretty all over the place today. Rest assured I am actively working with the isp I use to resolve the problems. If they do not get it sorted over this weekend I will be moving to a new provider. This is my last resort because it's alot of work and would probably mean having the forum offline for 5-6 hours overnight whilst it's moved.

Kind Regards,


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I noticed the site very slow earlier on also but blamed my computer cos my other one is playing up also I thought I'll give it a defrag and a restart see if it helps and I thought a while later when I came back to it thats seems to have done the trick but now I ain't so sure


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It's a tricky one because the high loads only last a few minutes yet they appear to have a pattern. I suspect that one of the other users of the server has a process which runs at regular intervals and totally consumes the server. I'm waiting for a reply from the system admin now, this could be a long night! Again! :lol:

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Hi Martin,

No extra work mate, it's my job :lol:

Hopefully things are better today, and the problem is solved. I suspect that as the forum grows, we will reach a point where it will take up an entire server to itself :(

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Good news, although the problems seem to be better on the server we currently used, I have requested that my bit of a shared server (in which Isee Stars and the forum are located) is moved to a new server. This should happen today sometime, I expect there will be a few minutes of downtime whilst the switch occurs but that should (touch wood) solve all slowness issues :lol:

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