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The dance of the seven veils...


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Or rather, nine. Just had time to squeeze 9 x 300 secs on the western part of the veil complex before it got too light. Even on these frames you can see the sky lightening, the final sub being taken at 02:29.

Its the first time I've tried (or seen) this one, and wasn't sure what to expect, or how much of the field would be captured by the WO 72 as the distortion near the edges of the capture is very obvious (i'm saving up for a flattener).

Anyway, here's the small version, and a link to the biggy (7.5mb or so). It'd be great if somebody could explain how to do the "click for larger image" wizardry. Thanks.

NB: The stars on the smaller version are reduced via noels tools, that one seems to work much better ona smaller jpeg.




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You have made light of this imaging lark TJ. (Pun not intended) That's a superb Image.

Loads of wispy stuff in there . I'm just off to have a look at the biggy now.

Very nice indeed.

Ron. :)

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