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This morning at 6.45 am....


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.....my kids come bursting into the bedroom, mummy, mummy, theres a bright star over there! Now being up til the early hours myself..... :sleepy1:, I couldn't even drag myself to the window to look at it.... :shock:

Having sort info from my starry night today, due south at 6.45am equals Jupiter....JUPITER!!!! :blob: :blob: :blob:

Could it have been Jupiter at that time??

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Caz, I can confirm that at that time of the morning it was Jupiter you were seeing!

I was watching it at 5:30 am on Tuesday from my B&B in Dorset, and my god was it bright!!!!

Just wait till you get the scope on it!


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At that time in the morning, Sirius has set, Venus is sulking and hiding out close to the sun, jealous because Jupiter is putting on such a show, and the bright star due south is indeed Jupiter. I've been seeing it on rare clear mornings when I go out to leave for the bus.

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Yes caz, that's Jupiter due south, Venus is also visible in the Southeast, and that is looking good, a nice big and bright cresent. I had a quick look this mornig through the 10X50's at both,and they are worth the effort. Unfortunately I wasn't expecting clearskies to day, and the forcast for tonight and tomorrow is :p :p :p:D:p:(:p:( :( :lol::(:p

I will have to get an alarm clock that only rings if the sky will be clear for at least 1hour.


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