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Adaptor for Lunt 50 & LS50C

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I am interested in getting an adaptor made that allows the smooth clocking of the DS module on the Lunt 50.  I would like to find out if eliminating the slop leads to more consistent viewing as it will square up the module to the ERF.  It will make the DS safer, as it will no longer travel along its thread but remain tightened to the adaptor but also be fully clock-able. 

If I were to order a one-off the price will be around £125.  

However if 5 of us can get together on an order it will be around £80 for each unit.

Let me know if this is of interest to any of you with the current setup.

I will let this thread run for a month or so and then look into prices.  


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9 hours ago, Radec said:

I think I'd be in on this too, having just got my DS.

could you explain a little more about what you envisage as I am starting out with the DS


Thats great Radek, 

Its basically something similar to this here 



It will fit between the front of the scope and the base of the DS & be tight at the end of its travel for both.  It will be rotatable / clock-able over 360 degrees with a smooth action but will not unwind along its thread, keeping the DS and scopes ERF parallel to one another, reducing slop and squaring up the light path.  Hopefully making it all slick and lovely.  

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Thanks James

I've not even had a chance to look through my DS since acquiring it - in Switzerland at the moment.

Is it to reduce internal reflections? I have heard that can be an issue.

Otherwise, how does it work regarding the inclination of the erf on the DS?

Sorry for the dumbo questions, but this is a rather new venture for me!

thanks, Keith

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The DS unit is wonderful - it brings out more surface detail - but not evenly across the sun's surface. Most scopes have a 'sweet spot' where features really pop out - A clocking adapter allows you to turn the DS unit around 360 degrees to see more detail more easily across the surface - 

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I would bump this thread to see if there was any further interest from anyone else?  I will aim to try and get this project on the go in a few months or so once the new focuser is up and running. 

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