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M27 / DSLR-C11


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M27 last night.  Auto-guider not working, took short subs instead.  No rain in 3 days, mount hasn't moved.  Nice walking out back un-parking scope and off I go. 

Nikon connected to C-11 (f10) on Atlas EQ-G, 100 subs x 30 sec, few- darks, bias, flats.  ISO 3200.  Stacked DSS, stretched Nebulocity, gradient PS.

Clear skies !


M27 - Copy.jpg

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5 hours ago, andyo said:

Very nice shot plenty of detail in the nebula and a nice colour balance I do notice some elongation to the stars mainly in the bottom left corner

Mount jitters due to balance ?  Shortly after imaging M27, I imaged M57 below with same settings and got decent stars across image.  Ended session M27 at midnight to the East, ended session M57 at 2:12 am directly overhead.  I forgot to adjust counter weights so they were little heavy East for the first session when M27 was rising East.  The second session being directly overhead, evenly balanced maybe not as big of a deal? 



ring - Copy.jpg

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