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Scale of the Universe


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I don't think this has been posted before now, but apologies if it has.

Quite a few power-of-10 based videos/apps out there showing the scale of the universe, but the following app struck be as being particularly good. The browser app needs flash enabled I think, or there's an iOS app (which I've not looked at myself). It includes more or less all the objects we spend our evening gazing at. :icon_biggrin:


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2 hours ago, Size9Hex said:

I don't think this has been posted before now, but apologies if it has.

Quite a few power-of-10 based videos/apps out there showing the scale of the universe, but the following app struck be as being particularly good. The browser app needs flash enabled I think, or there's an iOS app (which I've not looked at myself). It includes more or less all the objects we spend our evening gazing at. :icon_biggrin:


Thanks a million for posting that - very cool indeed :thumbsup: Nice to see some DSOs shown that we've seen with our very own eyes. Aren't telescopes amazing things!


"Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space." Douglas Adams

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21 minutes ago, baggywrinkle said:

Just ordered a copy via Amazon...looks really good.

Its seriously good, with the concepts buzzing your head it will make you see not whats in front of your face but beyond into the undetectable.  You may feel your brain melting a bit but only a little :)

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Its seriously good, with the concepts buzzing your head it will make you see not whats in front of your face but beyond into the undetectable.  You may feel your brain melting a bit but only a little :)

I work within metrology as part of my job, so counting angels dancing on pin heads is the norm.

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On 15 June 2016 at 20:08, jabeoo1 said:

Thats amazing, not seen that before so thanks for bringing to my attention :)


paul you will no doubt like this book here :


Thanks, that's an interesting looking book. One for the Amazon wish list - my pile of things to read seems to grow faster than I can currently get through it! :-)

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