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Celestron 127EQ help

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I bought a celestron 127EQ and it seemed to set up easy enough.  However when we look through the eye piece we see the metal x of the front of the telescope.  I havn't used a telescope in 30 years so I am not sure if this is normal or if there is something I am missing.

Thanks for any help!


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Did the eyepiece you are using come with the telescope? It sounds like a reticule eyepiece which would normally be used for alignment rather than observing. 

If you look through the wrong end of the eyepiece can you see cross hairs or wires forming the X?

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Yeah it is the 20mm one that came with the telescope.  I look through the eyepiece (by itself) and dont see any x its just when i put it into the telescope, it looks like the front of the telescope (which has the x with a circle in middle.  I can still use it to zoom in on objects just fine, but with a big x in the middle.

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I just realised this is a Newtonian. I thought initially it was a Mak. 

Are you sure it is properly focused? If not you could be seeing the metal veins that hold the secondary mirror in place. If not that, look through the focuser with the eyepiece removed. Can you see the metal cross?

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The black circle in the middle of that picture is the secondary mirror. The metal cross is formed by the veins that hold it in place. The only time you should see anything like that through an eyepiece is when it is out of focus. 

What distant object have you been using to test the scope?

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4 minutes ago, Physopto said:

Where is the secondary?

From that photo it seems to be where it should be otherwise you couldn't see the reflection from the primary or the mirror clips. 

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