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BAA Sky Notes video


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Throughout the observing year, many of the BAA meetings feature a Sky 
Notes presentation, which outlines key astronomical events in the coming 
months and also features recent observations. We would like to share the Sky 
Notes video freely with all amateur astronomers.

Our latest Sky Notes presentation, given at our meeting on May 25, is 
available on YouTube here:


All the best,

Jeremy Shears

BAA President

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Hi Jeremy

I think is a really positive step from the BAA and Im really grateful that they're now available publicly.  After 15 years of absence, I'm about to rejoin the BAA (please understand, it was a poorly chosen university degree that put me off for that long- not the BAA itself!!) and I'm really pleased that it's becoming a more open and modern organisation.  The Sky Notes were always a highlight of meetings, but often missed by the many people who couldn't get in to London on a weekday for the ordinary meetings.

Thanks to all who have made this happen.


EDIT: mustn't be presumptious; hope to rejoin if they'll have me back....


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Of course we'll have you back, Paul! I look forward to welcoming you to a BAA meeting (at the beginning of the meeting I encourage new members to identify themselves so I can welcome them to the Association). By the way, we have special offer on until July: 18 months' BAA membership for the price of a year. See https://britastro.org/node/7151.

I should also say that videos of most of the talks given at BAA meetings are available in the members only section of the BAA web site, so if you are unable to get to a particular meeting, you can catch up later. However, we decided to make the Sky Notes presentations available to all, members or not.

And, Putaendo Patrick - glad you liked the video. It's amazing the results some amateurs are achieving these days isn't it?

All the best,


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Hi Jeremy. I am a member of the BAA, but have not managed down to a meeting yet. I think this is a very forward thinking idea to give access to the sky notes. It can only enhance the reputation of the BAA, and hopefully encourage some viewers to become members. Well done.

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Excellent laudropb - always good to hear from a fellow BAA member!

I see you are in Glasgow. I realise it's not exactly on your door step, but we are holding a BAA Weekend in Dundee on Sept 9 to 11. There'll be a full programme of talks, plus a visit to the Mills Observatory. More details here: https://britastro.org/node/7198

All the best,


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