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just finished putting the cell in, and making sure i have a 32mm gap from the edge of the mirror to the walls of the mirror box, everything else is done now, moves so much better. just need to fit poles and uta now

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 Come on Mike, We are all waiting?.  It's taken that long I have just got the OOuk 14" dob out and have done M31 , M32 and M110 in Andromeda and now going to Cassiopeia  to start going through some of the beautiful star clusters. I will check in later to see how your getting on☺

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all machine polished again


all re painted


.5mm thick ptfe washers behind truss clamps


nice even gap between mirror and rocker box, this was around 2mm out, done my head in


all re blacked and cell re fitted


all finished, yee ha moves lovely and no creeks


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5 minutes ago, niallk said:

You've done an amazing job :thumbsup:

Looking forward to reading some observing reports :)

was hopeing it would of stayed clear tonight, but no luck. hopefully tomorrow.

i will put some daytime picks up tomorrow :headbang:

thank you all

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33 minutes ago, faulksy said:

was hopeing it would of stayed clear tonight, but no luck. hopefully tomorrow.

i will put some daytime picks up tomorrow :headbang:

thank you all


Nice and clear here Mike ? lots of targets and no clouds, bit chilly though. Nice job on scope looking well posh☺

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Hi Mike

Good to hear the scope is coming along, for some reason i am unable to open up the pictures. :(

My scope is a 20 inch  F4.5 inch home made Dob based in the criege and Berry book.  The main mirror is home made, and it originally had an astro systems secondary mirror spider and heating system.The secondary mirror was changed because it was giving astigmatic images, mirror was not flat. It was replaced with a sky optics 30th wave and is now working properly.



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6 hours ago, James Vincent said:

Hi Mike

Good to hear the scope is coming along, for some reason i am unable to open up the pictures. :(

My scope is a 20 inch  F4.5 inch home made Dob based in the criege and Berry book.  The main mirror is home made, and it originally had an astro systems secondary mirror spider and heating system.The secondary mirror was changed because it was giving astigmatic images, mirror was not flat. It was replaced with a sky optics 30th wave and is now working properly.



hi jim

similar design, same book was used, but with a twist

it has webster type bearings, plop design mirror cell with wiffle tree edge support, and astrosystems spider and secondary holder like yours.

i had a twisted secondary as well, so foc i had a new one of the good people of orion optics uk to suit my 1/10 primary made by them

shame you cant see the pics mate

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i now have beautiful concentric rings on polaris at 480x on both sides of focus :icon_biggrin:, but my primary is still indicating being 13* when ambient is 7* so it can only get better, wish you could swear on this forum :icon_biggrin: to express  my joy.

looks like its going to be a long night, bring on the veil

Edited by faulksy
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7 minutes ago, faulksy said:

i now have beautiful concentric rings on polaris at 480x on both sides of focus :icon_biggrin:, but my primary is still indicating being 13* when ambient is 7* so it can only get better, wish you could swear on this forum :icon_biggrin: to express  my joy.

looks like its going to be a long night, bring on the veil


Sounds Good to Go?.  Are you doing a bit of backyard astronomy Mike ? I thought the Dob Mob only done Dark site's . But the temptation of a nice 20" 1/10 Big Boy in full working condition now is just to much Temptation??

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27 minutes ago, Timebandit said:


Sounds Good to Go?.  Are you doing a bit of backyard astronomy Mike ? I thought the Dob Mob only done Dark site's . But the temptation of a nice 20" 1/10 Big Boy in full working condition now is just to much Temptation??

hi simon, yes back garden, can still see the milkyway though, shame i didnt sort out better though could of gone to my localish mag 21 skys

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On Friday, November 04, 2016 at 18:58, faulksy said:

i now have beautiful concentric rings on polaris at 480x on both sides of focus :icon_biggrin:, but my primary is still indicating being 13* when ambient is 7* so it can only get better, wish you could swear on this forum :icon_biggrin: to express  my joy.

looks like its going to be a long night, bring on the veil

Nice star testing results Mike and hope it went well. 

The Veil looked stunning through mine the other night and will have another glance in the dark skies of galloway tonight.

It's been a long journey and glad its culminated finally in a stunning deep sky  photon muncher. 

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