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Moving to Linux - What works and alternatives


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Good news all !

INDI Library v1.3 has been released on octobrer 30th and it includes the HitechAstro DC focus drivers developped by AJK ( https://github.com/A-j-K/hitecastrodcfocuser )

According to a post from Jasem Mutlak posted today: "I added Hitecdc focuser to official INDI, so no need to compile it, just use it from the PPA. So update kstars&indi and it should be there"

Kudos to AJK for his work :)

Other improvements include:

  • Support for Shelyak eShel spectrograph.
  • Support for NStep focuser.
  • Support for ASI Filter Wheel.
  • Support for OneStep Telescope Controller.
  • Support for Moravian CCD driver.
  • Support for GigE machine vision cameras.
  • Experimental SSAG CCD driver.
  • Adding support for fast BLOB with ENCLEN. With Fast blob mode enabled, blob performance is now significantly faster.
  • FITS Min/Max calculations are disabled by default to save processing time unless explicitly enabled by the user at compile time.
  • Qt5 based client class is added to enable multiplatform client development.
  • New significantly faster base64 encoding/decoding routines.
  • Selectable alignment modes for INDI EQMod that includes built-in EQMod alignment and INDI Alignment Subsystem.
  • CCD sequence queue number is no longer limited to 999.
  • More Starlight Xpress CCDs cameras supported.
  • Updated Starlight Xpress Adaptive Optics driver.
  • Updated Temma Takahashi mount driver.
  • Updated Apogee CCD driver.
  • Updated QHY CCD driver with numerous fixes.
  • Updated FLI CCD driver.
  • Updated Pulasr2 driver.
  • Updated ASI CCD with support for arm64 architecture, 1600 model and a lot more.
  • Significant improvements to GPhoto driver including better support for Nikon DSLRs.
  • Improved GPSd driver.
  • New CCD_FILE_PATH property to indicate remote file path.
  • New TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE property.
  • Dome & Telescope Scripting Gateway added.
  • Added support for servos in Indiduino
  • Fix BuiltinMathPlugin crash for Southern Hemisphere
  • Add scope park aware feature to the rolloff roof simulator
  • INDI Logs are now stored under ~/.indi/logs and arranged by date and time per driver.

Good times!

Edited by Vox45
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it's great to see that we can do astronomy and astrophotography with linux(mint,ubuntu or other OS). There is a very interesting software on Linux called siril for image processing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those interested in INDI there is a nice and long 1H30 video from september 2016 on "The Astro Imaging Channel" with the main developper Jasem Mutlaq that goes into details of INDI/EKOS

Enjoy :)

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I'll be watching that with great interest - thank you very much :)  I'm using KStars/Ekos/INDI for my all sky camera with RPi 3 as server at the masthead and WiFi - just power cable up the mast.  Working well :)  I shall be converting my main imaging rig in due course.

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13 hours ago, Gina said:

I'll be watching that with great interest - thank you very much :)  I'm using KStars/Ekos/INDI for my all sky camera with RPi 3 as server at the masthead and WiFi - just power cable up the mast.  Working well :)  I shall be converting my main imaging rig in due course.

In my case, I use an RPI3 at the mount acting as an INDI server to control my Canon 1000D DSLR, HEQ5 mount with Eqmod cable, HitecAstro DC focuser, ZWO ASI 185MC and a relay card. I use a laptop as an INDI client with Kstars/Ekos and stellarium plus a whole lot of goodies ;)

I've decided to use the Ubuntu Mate image instead of Raspbian as updating the whole system (including INDI and Stellarium) is now a single command. Now that they have included the driver for HitecAstro DC focuser in the INDI library I have everything I need and installing from scratch takes me less than an hour (first update takes a while) :)

Here is a step-by-step guide for installing Ubuntu Mate + INDI drivers + Web Manager on an RPI3 :

(1) get the Ubuntu Mate LST image for RPI3 from the Ubuntu website

(2) copy the downloaded image to the SD card using Win32DiskImager (windows) or any other methods

(3) boot on the PI and go through the installation steps as you would for a normal OS installation

Although I haven't had any problems so far, I would recommend at this point that you take a backup of the whole system before making any change or update. In my case I made an image of the SD card using Win32DiskImager (free)

Once the OS is installed, ssh to the PI and start with these steps :

#Re-size file system

sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Delete the second partition (d, 2)

then re-create it using the defaults (n, p, 2, enter, enter)

then write and exit (w)

Reboot the system, then:

sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2

#add repository for INDI and any other repository you might need (in my case: Stellarium)

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stellarium/stellarium-releases  <------ Optional

#update the system

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

#Install INDI Library including all 3rd party drivers:

sudo apt-get install indi-full

#Download the INDI Web Manager zip file. Extract the zip file

unzip indiwebmanager-master.zip
copy indiwebmanager-master folder to your $(HOME)

# Install INDI Web Manager

cd indiwebmanager-master
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential python-requests python-psutil python-bottle
pip install --upgrade pip
cp -rf servermanager ~/

#modify [user] and [path] to reflect your real $(HOME) in the file indiwebmanager.service
# located in the original /indiwebmanager-master folder
Description=INDI Web Manager

User=[username here]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/[user home directory here]/servermanager/drivermanager.py
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/[user home directory here]/servermanager/autostart.py


#Copy the indiwebmanager.service file to /lib/systemd/system

sudo cp indiwebmanager.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/indiwebmanager.service

#enable the INDI Web Manager to automatically start

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable indiwebmanager.service
sudo reboot

#check the status of the INDI Web Manager service

sudo systemctl status indiwebmanager.service

#Connect to Web Manager


or from a remote laptop



#Disable X11 (optional)
#to disable/enable the MATE desktop environment for easily creating a headless
#“server”. #Executing graphical disable will present a console login on the next
#boot, with no X11 or #associated services running. If you want to get the full
#Ubuntu MATE desktop back, run #graphical enable and reboot.

sudo graphical disable

#update the system and reboot

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean
sudo reboot


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For those who are still not sure about the maturity of Linux in the field of astrophotography, here is another shorter (16 minutes) video of a live session from start (opening the roof) to finish in 10 minutes, going through platesolving, focusing, guiding, cooling the camera and starting the capture sequence.

All done on a Linux PC and Raspberry PI at the mount


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  • 1 month later...

I've been using Linux for years, but have been using Windows for astrophotography.. I'd assumed there would be issues with drivers and not having an integrated solution on Linux. I guess I was hugely mistaken.. I'll have to give this a try!

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@abhoriel: I was much the same way. Used Linux but always switched back to windows for astrophotography. For the last couple of years though I've used KStars/Ekos with Indi and have had no need to use Windows at all now. I was still a little unsure for image processing though until I found out about PixInsight and whilst I generally prefer open source apps, this was an exception worth making.

For anyone using Linux, this thread lists a ton of applications, many you've probably already heard of but it's a big enough list there'll likely be some you haven't :)

Edited by Hicks
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Thanks for the replies! Yeah I've got my Raspberry pi 3 out and installed Ubuntu mate (as it has the indi packages in its own repos). Seems to work very well so far, but i need to test it with my hardware which necessitates buying a powered USB hub... Preferably one which has a 12v input so i can just connect it to my current portable power solution.


I just acquired a CCD (an Atik 314e) and was wondering what software to use with it. I thought sequence generator pro was expensive, but ekos from what I've seen does everything SGP can do... Including sequences, filter wheel control, unattended meridian flips, automatic plate solving and autofocus etc. Opensource for the win!

I'm looking forward to trying that ccd, but i need some filters and some kind of filter wheel first...

Edited by abhoriel
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  • 1 month later...

Good new for Linux users :)

NDI Library v1.4.1 Published: 27 February 2017

INDI development team is happy to announce the release of INDI Library v1.4.1 on Feburary 27th, 2017. This new exciting release builds on the maturity of INDI Library and comes with many new supported devices and fixes for existing drivers. Several improvements and enhancements are included in this release including native support for Cygwin and MacOS platforms in addition to Linux, BSD, and Windows (Client only).

The following is the change log for the release:

  •     Support for HitecAstro DC Focuser.
  •     Support for SQL-LE Sky Quality Meter unit.
  •     Support for USB Focus V3.
  •     Support for Quantum Filter Wheel.
  •     Support for 10micron mounts.
  •     ZWO ASI filter wheel support. Driver updated to latest SDK. Fix infinite loop exposure.
  •     QHY driver updated to latest SDK.
  •     Added preliminary support to TCP server connection for all mounts.
  •     Updated and improved Nexstar Evo driver.
  •     Fixed reset of filter wheel names to default values under some circumstances
  •     Fixed feedback loop issue in chained INDI server.
  •     Handle correctly broken frames in FLI driver; convert time left from ms to seconds as it should be.
  •     V4L2 CCD driver updated to properly work with DMK cameras.
  •     Several bugfixes for Moravian CCD driver.
  •     CCD Simulator allows for up to 4096x4096 resolution.
  •     Raw color video streaming now uses RGB24 instead of RGBA to conserve bandwidth.
  •     New Dome and Mount safety interlocks mechanism.
  •     Fix the Virtuoso mount detection in SkyWatcherMountAPI driver.
  •     Support relative driver paths to INDI server.
  •     Fix property cache collision conflict in case of multiple devices per driver.
  •     Moonlite driver can now sync to any value instead of reset to zero.
  •     Store OBJECTRA and OBJECTDEC as sexigesimal strings.
  •     New Axis Lock feature to limit joystick to specific motion axis.
  •     INDI server now reaps zombie processes as they appear.
  •     EQMod support for AUX encoder values. ST4 Guide Rates settings. PPEC Switches.
  •     Fix for TELESCOPE_PIER_SIDE implementation in EQMod driver.
  •     Several fixes for Pulsar2 driver.
  •     Fix SER file generation for color frames. Added timestamps for each recorded frame. Support subframed video streams.
  •     Debug and Logging options can be saved in the config file.
  •     New CCD_TRANSFER_FORMAT property.
  •     libindi can now be compiled under MacOS and Cygwin. Non-Linux specific 3rd party drivers are also supported under MacOS and Cygwin.
  •     When a request for snooped is sent, it is echoed to drivers so that they send the snopped value immediately if it exists.
  •     libindi shared library (libindi.so) is dropped. libindi now offsers indidriver (shared), indiclient (static), and indiclientqt5 (static) libraries.
  •     Legacy drivers removed: SkyCommander, Intelliscope, MagellanI, TruTech, SBIG STV
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Yes, I saw that - looks good - I'm already running INDI together with KStars/Ekos.  Have one or two little problems - this might solve them.  OTOH I'm probably already running the latest version.  This is a great system for use with the Raspberry Pi.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To all the INDI fans :  KStars 2.7.6 has been released today :)


The most impressive new feature is :

"Ekos Polar Alignment Assistant Most users were able to achieve impressive results using the this easy to use Polar Alignment tool."

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Video link that explain this. Looks a lot like PoleMaster and Sharpcap but works on Linux and is free ;)


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I'll have to get a new version of KStars built and test this out before too long :)

I tried the previous Ekos polar align module but was never all that happy with the results and ended up just doing a manual DARV. Next session I was planning to try the drift align helper in PHD2, I made a start with this the other week but the weather changed before I had time to really get anywhere. I'll have to try both now and see which is quicker.

Edit: Or maybe not, 1 degree fov and GEM mount. I have a much narrower 1/2 degree fov and a wedge mounted lx90 :( Won't be possible for me to image the NCP even if I did have a 1 deg FOV.

Oh well, hopefully PHD2 saves the day next time out :)

Edited by Hicks
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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I am new to astrophotography but not to Linux, have any of you tried the Ubuntu astronomy distribution. I believe it is made by the same chap who did the Astro Distro os, anyway have a look as it must have about 40 astronomical programs on it.

I tried it myself but due to a hardware problem on my specific motherboard I had too remove it. I have installed Debi an and hope to add the programs one at a time.

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[Bagpuss yawns and wakes up...]

Just when you think you've got on top of things, along comes a new distribution.  Fortunately I think this one is just Ubuntu plus extras, so my work over the previous few months will not need to be revisited.

No, I have not fallen into a black hole, stopped doing astronomy, nor even stopped working on oacapture.  Life has rather got in the way a bit however and my free time seems these days to be measured in very small multiples of the Planck time.  oacapture will (within days, I hope) shortly be back for a new release in rpm format for Fedora and deb format for Ubuntu and Mint (and probably Debian too, though a chap can lose the will to live, you know?).  And obviously there'll be an OSX version too.


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I think I will have to do an update.. and recompile everything as I have a bleeding edge install (at the time) - full 64bit on the C2 ODroid ARM.

Determined to make more of an effort to get some sky time this winter.



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  • 2 months later...

Good news, a new version of Kstars is available. Version 2.8.3 has had is C++ code modernized...

"KStars has a mature codebase with well-written C++. It has been under constant development for the last 16 years and requires serious modernization due to the complexity of the code with its many contributors. The student is required to refactor the sources with modern C++11/C++14 features, explore and fix corner cases, perform static code analysis and implement new testing methods.

Expected results:

Refactor code to C++11/C++14 Replace raw pointers with smart pointers where appropriate. Use standard containers. Migrate all connections/slots to new Qt style connection. Add new unit and functional tests covering the complete scope of the source code. Reduced memory footprint especially on embedded devices. Knowledge Prerequisite: C++, Qt, Data Structures"

Kstars was already very stable... can't wait to test this new version :)






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1 hour ago, Vox45 said:

Kstars was already very stable... can't wait to test this new version :)

Which given the kind of work that has been done, will likely be quite unstable :D

Just kidding though... I was waiting for this, it will be easier to contribute to the project now :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

we can add Astroberry to the mix

Astroberry Server is a ready to use astronomy desktop system for Raspberry Pi 3 It is a standalone system for controlling astronomy equipment supported by INDI server.

The system features:

  • Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Desktop

  • Virtual Access Point (VAP) allowing to access the system without external wireless network

  • Remote desktop accessible over VNC at astroberry.local:5900 or a web browser at https://astroberry.local

  • KStars and Ekos with all available device drivers

  • Astrometry with basic index files

  • PHD2 for autoguiding

  • Gnome Predict for satellite tracking

  • StarPlot for 3-dimensional positions of stars in space

  • oaCapture and wxAstroCapture for planetary imaging

  • Astroberry PiFace drivers for a relay and focuser control

  • Samba server sharing Pictures directory for easy access to captured images

Quite easy to install as you just need flash your microSD card (minimum 16GB required) with the image and then boot up :)

Edited by Vox45
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