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Post-processing Help

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Hi guys,

Been a long time (6 years actually!). Last came here to get some advice on my first scope, was very happy with the helpful responses. :) Purchased a Skywatcher 200P HEQ5 Pro Synscan, and only now am I finally starting to have the time to pursure astronomy/astrophotography properly!

I took some videos of Jupiter and Saturn using my Canon 650D and BackyardEOS yesterday (in admittedly not the best conditions; it was clear skies mostly, but it had just rained and there was a lot of atmospheric turbluence, so I did the best I could), as I'm far too impatient to wait for my webcam to arrive. I took several videos of both planets, ran these through PIPP to stabilise and join, then used AutoStakkert!2 for stacking. Made the mistake of not using my barlow 2x which would have given me some helpful magnification, plus didn't have my powerpack at the time which meant manual guiding; good times!

Since I'm quite new to this, I'd really appreciate if someone could have a look at my stacked files and maybe give editing them in Registax/Lightroom/Photoshop a shot. I've done a few edits but I'm not really satisfed, so it would be really helpful to have someone more experienced than me have a go at this and let me know what settings they used.

Clear skies!




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32 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

You might find this page useful in getting the most out of your camera until your webcam arrives link .

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for the link! I've read that page already actually, did a very long search on webcam vs DSLR to see if it was worth buying a webcam (I already had the 650D from before). I eventually found a Philips SPC900NC so I bought it, just waiting for it to arrive now. Unfortunately the 650D doesn't have a crop mode, but BYEOS does have a 5x Live View Mode which apparently gives close to 1:1 pixel resolution.



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