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Artificial Shooting Stars- Project Sky Canvas


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Interesting idea - I watched the video and wondered what my washing machine was doing in orbit :icon_biggrin:

But seriously, isn't this just a commercial gimmick - as I understand it, the final idea is that you could buy an artificial meteor for publicity or the launch of some event.

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there is even the suggestion of "drawing pictures and displaying words" - it may never happen, but I would be horrified if my night sky became a gigantic screen for advertising :cwm21::confused2::cwm10:

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14 hours ago, Putaendo Patrick said:

Interesting idea - I watched the video and wondered what my washing machine was doing in orbit :icon_biggrin:

But seriously, isn't this just a commercial gimmick - as I understand it, the final idea is that you could buy an artificial meteor for publicity or the launch of some event.

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there is even the suggestion of "drawing pictures and displaying words" - it may never happen, but I would be horrified if my night sky became a gigantic screen for advertising :cwm21::confused2::cwm10:

The same sentiments here! 


Can you imagine in the not to distant future it may become possible to project large images on the surface of the moon.   ''''...And tonights full moon is sponsored by Budweiser....''''

What a dreadful thought.


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Surely global aviation rules would not allow this?

Imagine if being allowed, forget ruining the night sky, imagine if one of these 'meteors' was a device launched from a dodgy country or group....WW3 would soon follow!

I also sadly believe that one day the moon being 'sponsored by budweiser' is inevitable...I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

Sad times indeed.

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My only consolation is that at my age and state of health   is that I am very unlikely to see it !!

and if they have to have an advert on the moon at least let it be for something worthwhile not some sissy american pop

Clear skies in the meantime  Robin. 

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When I see something like this I can't help wondering if it's a scam to fleece investors, I have a hard time believing they will ever bring anything to market.

On 23/05/2016 at 14:47, reddoss said:

Can you imagine in the not to distant future it may become possible to project large images on the surface of the moon.   ''''...And tonights full moon is sponsored by Budweiser....''''

What a dreadful thought.

Fortunately that's not something we'll ever have to worry about, 5 billion iMax projectors wouldn't be enough to project a logo on the Moon. And they'd draw 150 terawatts, about 8 times current global energy production.

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Apparently you don't need to project images onto the Moon's surface, you can create tasteful logos, domain names, memorials etc. using "shadow shaping" technology. Special robots will scratch the Moon's surface with your design, creating shadows visible from the Earth:

One of about 100 quadrants of the Moon can be bought for a mere US$46,000. The offer seems so attractive I've put the order for my second Takahshi FET-200 on hold and bought two squares. Next time you view the Moon, look out for PUTAENDO PATRICK! Bet you're all jealous... beats having a crater named after you in Stellarium.


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51 minutes ago, Putaendo Patrick said:

Apparently you don't need to project images onto the Moon's surface, you can create tasteful logos, domain names, memorials etc. using "shadow shaping" technology. Special robots will scratch the Moon's surface with your design, creating shadows visible from the Earth:

One of about 100 quadrants of the Moon can be bought for a mere US$46,000. The offer seems so attractive I've put the order for my second Takahshi FET-200 on hold and bought two squares. Next time you view the Moon, look out for PUTAENDO PATRICK! Bet you're all jealous... beats having a crater named after you in Stellarium.


could you imagine the size that would need to be to leave a long lasting impression, that would be some payload. what also if 4 companies did the same as nobody owns the moon all 4 would claim the same pieces I would hate to promote "eat dixies" and someone edits it to " eat dicks" lol

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This all reminds me of a certain Series 4000 service mechanoid whose job it was to service the crew of the Nova 5, a ship owned by a large fizzy drink company that was tasked with inducing the supernovas of 128 stars to leave a 5 week long message in the skies that would be visible in daylight which would read....


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1 hour ago, JB80 said:

This all reminds me of a certain Series 4000 service mechanoid whose job it was to service the crew of the Nova 5, a ship owned by a large fizzy drink company that was tasked with inducing the supernovas of 128 stars to leave a 5 week long message in the skies that would be visible in daylight which would read....


(From Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers.)


For five whole weeks, wherever you were on Earth, the huge tattoo would be branded across the day and night skies. Honeymooners in Hawaii would stand on the peak of Mauna Kca, gazing at sunsets stamped with the slogan. Commuters in London, stuck in traffic jams, would peer through the grey drizzle and gape at the Cola constellation. The few primitive tribes still untouched by civilization in the jungles of South America would look up at the heavens, and certainly not think about drinking Pepsi.

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