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I'm having a lil' trouble with my spc900nc

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I don't know what did it but, Its got lateral lines now. Can anyone give a brother a hand or at least some advice on what not to do? I've just got this webcam and I've been wanting one for over 2 yrs., I finally found one and the price was sweet. I used  Sharpcap 2.8 that I use with my other cams but, with this cam it doesn't want  to pull color other than blue or mono and cs2 doesn't help it much. Help ?


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The RF interference on the image could be due to so many things.

Switch-mode power supply? Poor earth, or earth loop?

Have you tried lower frame rates?

The colour is not too bad, which White Balance do you have it on?

Have you got an Infra Red filter in place, you should have one?

There's some vertical Red shift due to atmospheric refraction.

Don't be afraid to play with the camera settings.

Had a very quick play in PaintShop Pro:




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It's a long time since I used an SPC900, but I have a vague recollection that this sort of problem can happen when the image is underexposed.  Certainly I'd say that one of the things you should be doing is using the histogram as a guide when setting the gain and exposure so it is about 60% to 70% full.


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  • 1 month later...

After testing I found that the gain and gamma  exceeded more than a 1/2 giving those lateral lines and since my last test my mojo went to the wayside and the weather is hot humid and downright nasty. At least I've got plenty of data to play with and I got my transit and blue moons. I just can't seem to change the blue moons.


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