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M53 last night - my best globular yet!

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Star colours are good but needs more image scale to really tease out the core. Sadly globular clusters with a few exceptions are fairly small so they benefit from a longer focal length or substantially larger diameter instruments. Nice image!

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Nice capture there, and nice star colors. :)

I've been trying to capture some of these clusters myself, but have also found the core to be hard to resolve. Yours looks quite good to me. 

I've been thinking maybe using a barlow, and many many short exposures of the bright cure may help? Thinking it's maybe due to seeing or tracking error they are so hard resolve. As i'm starting more and more to use my QHY5L-II-M for imaging instead of guiding, i'll give this a try soon enough. :) 

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I left the camera on 30-seconds instead of bulb, so I ended up with 30-second subs... I think that helped with the core.

To resolve individual stars looks like you need a Hubble or  VLT... I won't link to the image on Wikipedia, as its massive, but very impressive.



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