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Mars - advice on processing needed

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I seem to have finally got some usable, if basic, data for Mars.

In my rush I forgot the IR filter and the colour seems to be a bit weird after going through initial processing.

I'm more than a bit worried about over-processing as well, is there a place where I can get a view of Mars at the time I took the shots (about 01:50 BST)? There's the S&T app, but it shows a mercator view I struggle to 'see' it as a disc.


Mars first run.jpg

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Most of the "out of roundness" comes from atmospheric distortion, because Mars is at such a low altitude. The faster you can get your frame rates the better chance of catching some moments of good focus. What camra are you using the Microsoft Lifecam Cinema HD ?

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Yes, the lifecam. I think forgetting the IR filter hasn't helped, it's certainly upset the colour. There is fair detail in blue, little if any in green, I might try making a Lum from just the blue data, but I'm transferring the unprocessed files from my laptop so I can do a Q&D on the raw avis and see which is the best to really work hard on..

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Well here's a turn up for the books. I tried loads of approaches in Astra, none worked particularly well. After RGB aligning in Registax, I gave wavelets a try (Astra wavelets were no good). Lo and behold, it's not perfect but a lot better. Confession, every image has a green 'fuzz' sticking up from the upper edge, I have had a go at removing this.





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Tried manual align in Registax = - something very odd was going on!

So I tried splitting an image into RGB - the red and blue channels are beyond my wildest hopes! Something is going wrong with green and a double image is registering.


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Problem is the bottom right is only the red channel. Similar problems with Saturn, red is spot on G&B are awful (taken with RGB camera so all from the same AVI) both Registax and AS!2 are double-registering the green and blue images.


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