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I was observing Jupiter last night and at approx. 2200 hrs I saw a shooting star passing right in front of the planet from high in the FOV to the lower FOV. I was ver happy to see this and thought what are the chances of that? Ten minutes later I saw another but this time its trajectory was in the opposite direction shooting upwards. Now this has puzzled me. the first was as if I were not looking through the scope and just watching a normal shooting star coming to Earth. I know the scope reverses the image. But how can one come down and the other go up? Perhaps I witnessed meteors crashing into Jupiter?

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I would suggest that maybe what you saw was a couple of the many satellites that traverse the night sky.  If you were viewing though your scope and you had time to see bright objects traverse the FOV this is more likely.  It would also explain the opposing trajectories.

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I agree with the satellites suggestion - they can go in all directions. I have twice seen a meteor go through the field of view, the second time was just the other night and it really gave me a start. Given that you are using magnification they are very fast and can leave a trail - satellites are slower and don't leave a trail. 

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The Aquarid meteor shower is peaking now (Halleys Comet), out of the east so it's possible and meteors in showers come in from different directions or at least individual variable trajectories so it is possible but to see them going one way than the other I would agree with the sat theory.


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