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By Jove - nice moon transit action tonight !


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Some nice moon stuff going on at the big planet this evening. Io plus shadow have been in transit with the moons disk itself just having left the disk as Europa moved behind the planet - two bright "bumps" on the limb for short while !. Io's shadow still has a way to travel yet.

Seeing is rather erratic as has been discussed elsewhere on the forum but the good moments are worth waiting for :icon_biggrin:

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9 minutes ago, Moonshane said:

Clouded out here unfortunately

I should have "unliked" this really - sorry you don't have views Shane and Michael.

I'm not going to get much apart from Jupiter here - I can only just see the brightest constellation stars due to haze.


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Same here on the south Coast.:clouds1::clouds1:  loads of these. 

9 minutes ago, John said:

I should have "unliked" this really - sorry you don't have views Shane and Michael.

I'm not going to get much apart from Jupiter here - I can only just see the brightest constellation stars due to haze.


Same as U.

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Nice report John and yes Jupiter can be very interesting, wonder if I will get to see it any time soon. Massive storms with very heavy rain here for the weekend. Just come back from an Ice Show in Sofia, rain was beating down as we got off the bus (which drops off near to the bus station as it was for another town). Vania sheltered as run 500m for the car with brolly, who said chivalry was dead.


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Very nice! Cloudy yesterday, but did get an hour on Jupiter the previous night in the back garden. Seeing was a bit wobbly - have been spoiled of late with decent seeing - but did catch the GRS more central on the disc @ 200x, and for brief moments had nice views of the turbulence on the 'trailing' side, which I haven't seen on other nights due to timing. Would have loved to catch some of that transit action though ;)

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