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Morning threesome.

Paul M

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I'm surprised there has been no mention of the very nice grouping in the morning sky .

I only spotted it by accident myself and that was on the security camera at work!

I'm talking about Mars, Saturn and Antares. Not a spectacularly close grouping but a bright one that stood out against the brightly moonlit sky. Cheered up my night shift no end.

Looking at SkySafari it appears that Mars is just beginning it's retrograde motion as Earth catches up with it on the inside track. So Mars is going to be a bit further away from the others each morning until well after opposition. When Mars gets back to them they'll be getting lost in the southwest in evening twilight.

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To be serious, I did notice the grouping when I got up this morning for a quick look at Mars and Saturn. That made five clear mornings out of the last six, which is remarkable. Seeing has been very variable though with only one really good morning. 

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Lovely sight. Marx has been low and wobbly, however Saturn with full rings has been superb even down at x150. Looking east, Aquila is up below high Cygnus. Promising some summer sights including the return of M11, hurrah !

Clear skies !


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39 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

 Marx has been low and wobbly.....

Clear skies !


Ok, quickly moving on from social politics... :)

I have another night shift tonight and was thinking about packing the big scope in my car and seeing if I could squeeze in a bit of planet observing but it looks like the sky isn't going to allow that tonight.

Bit of a shame as I haven't seen Mars through that scope yet and not observed Saturn this season so far.

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