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Processing Mars

Stub Mandrel

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I have about 18,000 frames of Mars from this morning!

While I wait for the wifi to get it on the desktop I had a go with one capture run of ~900 frames:


This does not look right to me - there isn't THAT much ice at the poles!

My avis are not over exposed but do show chromatic abberation which is weird as I used a reflector and appears worse when stacked by PIPP. is this because it is so low in the sky?

Any tips for getting rid of the CA/RGB aligning BEFORE stacking in AS!2?

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Mars is hellish hard to capture and process in my very limited planetary imaging expereince; it being so low at present makes this ten times harder.

I suspect along with all other optical aberrations, you are also detecting and recording atmospheric dispersion, due to the low altitude of the planet. The photons which seemingly arise from Mars have a much thicker layer of atmosphere to travel through to reach your cameras sensor than say they do for Jupiter. As such the thicker atmospher acts as a prism and breaks the white light up into its component parts, most noticeably red and blue ends of the visible light spectrum.

There are atmospheric dispersion correctors, I have one, but I have to say I have never been convinced it does anything useful, and I've never managed to reduce the atmospheric dispersion of the light using it. Though others, including Damian Peach think they are the bees knees.

I'll be interested to hear what others say.

Very nice image though, well done :)

I saw a very nice Mars recently on the BAA's Mars Section website, not disimilar to yours in overall composition and distribution of "colours":




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