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Operation Grazed Knees

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Hi All,

Well the day arrived, and my 'scope turned up. I spent 2 -3 hours cursing and scratching my head putting her together, and then waited for it to get dark.

It was clear skies all the way and I have to admit I did actually jump up and down with excitement. I grabbed my book Turn left at Orion and thought to myself, 'How hard can it be?'

I spent the next 4 hours in total agony as I crawled around on my knees and craned my neck upwards, and saw the constellation '[removed word] All' It finally dawned on me that the tripod legs could be extended and I had another crack at it.

I honestly can't find the words that describe seeing the Ring Nebula and the Dumbell Nebula in my new 'scope for the first time.

I even dragged my Girlfriend outside into the dark and the cold, and was gobsmacked when she failed to share my joy at looking at the teeny weeny Smudge I'd spent the best part of 5 hours finding!

I'm hooked for life, thanks for all the support so far lads, I really appreciate it.


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Hey Cool report Spud!

So glad you got your scope and managed to get out there, plus seeing the Ring Nebula and Dumbell Nebula thats no mean feat and you should be proud of yourself Spud i am sure it was worth the Grazed Knees :) Just wait till you see saturn with that scope and the other planets you will be blown away i promise.

James :)

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Hi Spud,

Yeah great report. Pretty critical with a refractor to get that tripod extended. Eyepiece must have been scraping the floor. No wonder you had grazed knees. :roll:

How do you find the new scope? Did you get the dual drives with the EQ5?

You certainly started with a couple cracking objects, they'll get you hooked. But perhaps not as much as Mars will in a month or so. I reckon even your girlfriend will be impressed with that.



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Hi Russ,

To be honest I found the scope massive! It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be and I was a little intimidated by it, but I think it'll be a long time before I even think I need a bigger aperture!

I didn't get the motor as my very sweet and understanding GF is tolerant to a point about me spending all my money on my new hobby! I'm taking her out for an Indian tomorrow night so I'll launch a charm offensive then.


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The low height of the eyepiece is the big knock against long refractors, even with the legs extended you can still get in some funny positions. Its not so much of a problem in the winter, bit in the summer all the 'good stuff' that you can see is right over head!

The Ring is a good spot for a first time, its easy to whizz past it and think it's a stat at first.

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Try using a small peice of carpet to lay down on the grass/concrete - stops your knees getting wet/scraped.

I know at least one person who does that!

A 45 or 90 degree diagonal will help!


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