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Cool Dave just plain cool, what do you think of the scope mate ?

I expect you found your capture settings a tad getting used to ?

I know it took me a while but seem to have settled into it now.


Not going to do a mini review then eh !!!   :icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:

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1 hour ago, Ewan said:

Cool Dave just plain cool, what do you think of the scope mate ?

I expect you found your capture settings a tad getting used to ?

I know it took me a while but seem to have settled into it now.


Not going to do a mini review then eh !!!   :icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:

Really love the scope, focuser a bit iffy, may have to have a twiddle with it, certainly gathers a lot more light than the 100mm .

Only really the first bit of prolonged sunshine today and the seeing wasn't up to much, took around 100 vid's of the big spot and shuffled through them but all much of a muchness.

Will try to get some more representative images when the seeing is better and have a play with the Quark tuning.

Seemed a bit lacking in contrast today, wondering how the internal HA filter which I've got compares to the front mounted ERF.


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Dave all I can say is save up mate get yourself a D-ERF Dave you will not be disappointed.

I also managed some today, looking pretty neat I must say, probably my best 152's so far, doubt I will get around to posting though as it's early (late) Plus I will be adding more if tomorrow pans out.

Yeah my focuser needed a slight adjustment, make sure none of the focuser grub screws are loose as one of mine was which let the focuser slip, worth a check Dave.

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