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Observing transit of mercury 2016

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Baader solar film ND5 is available in India. Angular size of mercury is very small and some website says that visual observations are not possible by any solar film. There will be a crowd of approximately 5000 people to see TOM on 9th may 2016. We can't takecare of so many people by 4 telescopes alone. 

Should me go for solar Google's based on Baader nd5 film ? Please advise.


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1 hour ago, Mycoolsky said:

Baader solar film ND5 is available in India. Angular size of mercury is very small and some website says that visual observations are not possible by any solar film. There will be a crowd of approximately 5000 people to see TOM on 9th may 2016. We can't takecare of so many people by 4 telescopes alone. 

Should me go for solar Google's based on Baader nd5 film ? Please advise.


I'm guessing this statement refers to unaided viewing like you would do with eclipse glasses. Although Mercury is small from what I hav read it should be possible to see its transit across the Suns disk by means of a correctly adapted telescope using the Baader film.

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For thousands of people, setup one scope with solar tracking and solar film and an eyepiece video camera.  Send the output image to a large monitor for throngs of people to look at.  If you have access to a Jumbotron at an arena, all the better!

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