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lunt LS 50 vs Quark

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I'm about to choose between a Quark for my William optics 71 or a Lunt LS50 B600 ... Similar price , but worried about the sample quality variations of the Quark.

Leaning towards the Lunt and the need for power on the Quark is also  swaying me to the Lunt.

Will be mainly visual but will inevitably end up pointing my DSLR or ASI 224 through it .

Any advice before I spend would be greatly appreciated.


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2 things; the only way to get a DSLR to focus with a Lunt 50 is to use eyepiece projection not prime focus. Secondly, the helical focusser is not up to carrying any weight.  Check a thread elsewhere about trying to get Moonlite to make a decent focusser.

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Don't think you should aim the Star 71 at the Sun due to the internal lens construction, certainly wouldn't use mine :)

Best to just buy a S/hand SW ST80, just "one" lens up the pipe, I've used one with my Quark successfully for imaging and the focuser while not great can be fettled to a good standard.

The Quark can be powered by a small power pack, I use a little solar jobby, about a tenner on EBay.




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Agreed, don't use the Quark in any scope which has rear lens elements/flattener reducers built in. They are often cemented and are nearer the focus point so are likely to overheat and get damaged.


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Thanks for all your help, grabbed a Lunt LS50 B600 today, got home at 5:30, rushed dinner, bunged it on a camera tripod and saw my first sun spot through my own scope ! It was clearly kind of V shaped with a smaller one quite near to it.

Where do you guys find the numbers for the spots or active region ?Apparently my first AR was 2529.

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