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Nice lights !!!!


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Cant say I would be happy with those being built near to my house. They look ridiculous but more importantly I suspect they will cause light pollution despite the article suggesting they have tried to minimise the effects.

Wonder if anyone on SGL leaves near by and has any concerns? :sad:

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I'd ban all floodlighting of "sports" pitches. There's absolutely no need at all to be "playing sport" when it's dark. :BangHead::mad:.

As for "golf driving ranges" I'd ban them outright.

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46 minutes ago, DaveS said:


I'd ban all floodlighting of "sports" pitches. There's absolutely no need at all to be "playing sport" when it's dark. :BangHead::mad:.

As for "golf driving ranges" I'd ban them outright.

The local council in their wisdom built a golf driving range on a hill level with my bedroom windows, it's about 2 miles away, they then fitted a row of mercury vapour lights on the front to illuminate the car park and left them on all night for security and to enable me to read in bed without turning the light on :eek:

Luckily after a about 10 years they did a refit and removed the lights and the LED replacements are hardly visible from here and they switch them off at night.
Makes you wonder who is in charge sometimes.


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Crickets a "summer" game and even the "night" matches finish early in "astro" terms ... 

This made the news earlier and it was said the lights are for topping up twilight rather than turning night into day...

The "development control report" for the lighting is online here...





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On 08/04/2016 at 14:13, Davey-T said:

hope there's no local astronomers 
Reportabley visible from 8 miles away :eek:

Gosh that is horrid ! I did see something about them on Points West (on in the background ) but was not concentrating, did not realize they were that high, one wonders why so high, is that not counter-productive given the inverse square law ?

As for the title "Nice Lights", nice one :) , I suppose there are plenty of Flats nearby, possibly some Bias as well , , but no Darks :( !!


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Day/night games rarely go past 9 in the evening when it's still quite light. Mostly the lights are there to prevent games stopping due to bad light - what's light for us isn't light for cricket. Though us amateurs can play in near dark  and heavy rain ;)

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