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Complete Fail :(


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Last night I went to set up my AVX for some imaging. I just got it yesterday  so I'm definitely a noob when it comes to actually using it. 

So I took my tripod outside and set it down then I set the mount and the rest of my equipment on it. I went to polar align and I realized that I didn't point the mount north... >:(

 I took it all down and set it back up facing north. I did my 2 star align then I realized I forgot to balance it in both axis. Balancing the declination axis messed up my alignment so I had to do that again. After balancing, I apparently typed in the wrong time while aligning but didn't notice so I had to start all over again. :(

I'll get used to it eventually, but in the meantime it's pretty funny to watch me consistently fail.

Just thought I'de share that because why not?

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Yup - we've all had moments like that. My most embarrassing was setting up in front of a crowd eagerly awaiting a look through the scope. I just couldn't get a decent star alignment - then I discovered I hadn't balanced the wedge correctly and while I was checking polar alignment the whole scope tipped over pinning me to the floor. The missus had to lift it off me lol. Fortunately I caught the scope and no damage done - but the disappointed crowd rapidly disappeared lol. :)

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All I do is planetary align. My CG-5 is the same as yours AVX mount. 

Balance the scope & point it north. I use Jupiter at the moment.

Tracks very well,  doing  it this way, & easier to set up.  Hope

this  helps U a bit.


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Putting a positive spin on your "fun", at least you know what you were doing wrong. Believe me, the sessions that are most frustrating are the ones when things are not doing what they are supposed to and you cannot for the life of you figure out why.

Remember: For those who keep trying, there are no failures, only delayed successes.

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1 hour ago, Herzy said:

I just checked and I payed $899 for my AVX and C6-N combo (from highpointscientific) and now, one week later, they have a sale and its only $799. Unlucky!

I know the feeling. I think the Universe is rigged and it lays in wait for people to buy a telescope. And when you do - it waves it's magic-wand and a ON SALE! notice goes up.

You get used to it,


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