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Jupiter & CIGE in good old 2D.


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If you read my previous Jupiter in 3D post you will know I rather belatedly discovered that it was 'upside down' so here's the 'right way up' version with Callisto, Io,Ganymede and Europa initialed.

I had tried a few earlier shots in the hope of capturing the shadow of Ganymede in transit before it cleared the disk of Jupiter but without any luck.



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Great image, though you mentioned that you failed to capture the shadow transit of Ganymede.

I think you have it captured towards the upper left disc limb on this image. Looks like an out of focus smudge, but its there. Riding on the Northern EB.

Great image, with her moons and starfield,

ATB ... Eddie

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........... you mentioned that you failed to capture the shadow transit of Ganymede.

I think you have it captured towards the upper left disc limb on this image. Looks like an out of focus smudge, but its there. Riding on the Northern EB.

Great image, with her moons and starfield,

ATB ... Eddie

Well I've blown it up as far as possible,Eddie but I can't see other than smudges on the left of the northern EB. :grin: You don't mean the right side as one looks at the image,do you?

I found a couple of possible candidates on the upper edge of the EB on that side but don't know if either are in the right position for moon shadows.

If this is indeed the area you mean,then wether or not either are moon shadows I envy you your eyesight. You should be on the bridge of that vessel of yours not the engine room. :salute:

I'm attaching a cropped,enlarged and enhanced (unto death!) image in which I hope the two possible suspects stand out a bit clearer if you stand well back.



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No I never noticed those, but now you've enhanced they are notable on the original psot also. I thought I noted a darkening on the left of that image on the left edge of the Northern Polar banding.

You may check with any software to see if those are indeed shadows.

My C11 has still not arrived from its VERY long holiday :grin: , so looking at yours and others images soften the blow a tad. Been intouch with Hinds and Ian King, should be sorted soon (we) hope.


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............ I thought I noted a darkening on the left of that image on the left edge of the Northern Polar banding.

My C11 has still not arrived from its VERY long holiday :grin: , so looking at yours and others images soften the blow a tad. Been intouch with Hinds and Ian King, should be sorted soon (we) hope.


Ah! I didn't go that far north I'm afraid. Concentrated on the equatorial band in view of your earlier post. Back to the drawing board! :lol:

Hope you get your scope back soon. Mind you with the weather we have been having you probably haven't missed much.



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