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Winjupos de-rotation comparison


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Thanks guys!

53 minutes ago, bunnygod1 said:

Wow that is quite a difference! What length is the AVI ?

Cheers Pete, 1min rgb so a certain amount of rotation blur to be expected at a fl of around 8m!, I usualy stick with around 40s rgb 2mins max for Jupiter but have some longer runs which im still working on!

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1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

Hi simon nice shots what capture times are we talking and what type of de rotation was used

Hi Neil!

3 mins total capture time & I used rgb stacked tiffs for de-rotation!

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Agreed Stuart the original image was combined in astra image, & can be tweeked more, but like you say on processing theres more noise, maybe I should have included a more sharpened image to get a more accurate comparison!

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34 minutes ago, JemC said:

OK, stupid question time :iamwithstupid:

What is this de-rotation thing, have heard it mentioned a few times now and wondered what it is and when to use it.


Hi James, its a free download that enables longer capture times of the planets!

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58 minutes ago, si@nite said:

Agreed Stuart the original image was combined in astra image, & can be tweeked more, but like you say on processing theres more noise, maybe I should have included a more sharpened image to get a more accurate comparison!

No worries Simon but it is important we don't give people unrealistic expectations of what winjupos can do.  

Cracking image BTW! Could do with some of that seeing this year!

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Actually if I had to get picky, I could say the same amount of sharpening should be done on both images. For a realistic comparison. I will assume you did that on the last post Simon.

Actually if you think about it, its even more complicated than that. As winjupos smooths the image. So I suppose one could argue. Those images would need more sharpening to compare.

It gets tricky doesn't it. separating apples and oranges.

Though I know others are not convinced. I feel I have seen a tightening of my images when I have vid de rotated them. There is rotation in that time frame 3 mins, but its small. And AS/2 seems to cope well. Emil has said up to around the 2.5 Mark

 Though in your case, each 1 min AVI will not show any rotation in of itself. Where you could be benefiting is the rotation occurring between the RGB sequences themselves. Something AS/2 doesn't get to see. Or have any chance in affecting if I am correct ?

I am not certain about this. But I don't see how the first run can be seen the same as the third. No matter how good any program is. It must show some rotation

As Stuart said. Nice shots.  Was that the C9 ?

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Its like opening a can of worms up posting comparisons Neil lol, but I respect any feed back & criticism, Stuart made a valid point & as you say both images should have the same amount of sharpening applied to be comparable, the second post is nearer the mark I think!

You make a good point Neil the time taken in between rgb runs & refocusing etc, is something stacking software don't see, never really thought about it before!

It was the C9 Neil!


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I think Winjupos is very usefull for correct the rotation of surface when done R, G, B , L , CH4 and others filters, when there will be some difference between time of shot.

The wavelets filters from Registax 6.0 and Photoshop can enhance the image similar to  that done by si@nite in Winjupos.

I dowloaded the JPG version and did some proccess on RGB image:


Congratulations, your Jupiter is very beautifull, with many details !

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33 minutes ago, si@nite said:

Its like opening a can of worms up posting comparisons Neil lol, but I respect any feed back & criticism, Stuart made a valid point & as you say both images should have the same amount of sharpening applied to be comparable, the second post is nearer the mark I think!

You make a good point Neil the time taken in between rgb runs & refocusing etc, is something stacking software don't see, never really thought about it before!

It was the C9 Neil!


Yes Not just that, but where the features are themselves also.  From the start of the first run, to the end of the third. Jupiter will still be rotating while these are being captured too

Unless the whole sequence is put in AS/2 one go. Meaning a 3 min AVI, AS/2 Doesn't see the rotation occurring at the end of the third run compared to the beginning of the first. It should treat each section separately doing 1 min vids as opposed to say a 3min vid. Its here of course winjupos comes in, and might benefit

This is all theory. I could be wrong

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1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

You Just need to get some good seeing Simon. Its been difficult  for sure. I would try that C9 out again, Its doing a lovely Job here

Really like the processing on the final result, Registax 6 CS3.

The C9.25 is an easy scope to use I know it inside out Neil, & on a good day can deliver so its a keeper for sure, but I must get some time in on the meade 12" im finding it difficult to tame the fl with the skyris 236ms small pixel size, 2x puts it outside the 640 x 480 window & don't want to r.o.i up, so next time out trying 1.5x which should give me an optimum fl of around 4.5 m! But on the few clear nights we get its a tough choice mr reliable or mr unknown lol!


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4 hours ago, si@nite said:

The C9.25 is an easy scope to use I know it inside out Neil, & on a good day can deliver so its a keeper for sure, but I must get some time in on the meade 12" im finding it difficult to tame the fl with the skyris 236ms small pixel size, 2x puts it outside the 640 x 480 window & don't want to r.o.i up, so next time out trying 1.5x which should give me an optimum fl of around 4.5 m! But on the few clear nights we get its a tough choice mr reliable or mr unknown lol!


4500mm is the native FL of my OTA Si-it ain't easy to work with but satisfying image scale :) Loveky captured by the way. 

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5 hours ago, si@nite said:

The C9.25 is an easy scope to use I know it inside out Neil, & on a good day can deliver so its a keeper for sure, but I must get some time in on the meade 12" im finding it difficult to tame the fl with the skyris 236ms small pixel size, 2x puts it outside the 640 x 480 window & don't want to r.o.i up, so next time out trying 1.5x which should give me an optimum fl of around 4.5 m! But on the few clear nights we get its a tough choice mr reliable or mr unknown lol!


I know what you mean I have exactly the same dilemma with the SW versus the Orion. The Orion usually wins for various reasons. But we want better resolution, I get you

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Those are lovely shots from last year Simon!! Winjupos is a great tool and can certainly make a difference on 3min captures and above, more noticeable of course when we have very good data obtained in good seeing which is scarce lately!


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