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Skyliner 200p and another eyepiece question!

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Hi again all, it's been a bit of a while since I posted here asking advice for my first scope ... all of which was great and I ended up buying a Skyliner 200p Dob (and a Skywatcher 102p which was on offer at the time with an Alt/Az 3 mount which I use mainly for terrestrial) Then I got so busy I didn't have the time to use my new scopes ... disaster! but 3 nights ago I had my first light with my 200p. What an incredible experience ... like most novices I suppose the moon blew me away (I've uploaded a couple of pics I took with my mobile - they needed a bit of Photoshop work but I'm happy!) but I managed to get incredible views of Jupiter and it's moons and Orion and it's great nebula plus just scanning the stars was amazing. This was all with the stock Skywatcher 25mm and 10mm e/ps. So I've been on the forum reading all I can on eyepieces and it's my turn to ask for eyepiece advice! I'd like to get a wider angle ... say a 32mm plus maybe a 15 and an 8 but at this stage don't want to break the bank (or my marriage!) with spending too much. So ... what are your opinions on this choice which I've "sort of" narrowed down to :

Revelation 2.5x Barlow

BST Explorer 15mm and 8mm

Vixen NPL 30mm

I think this would give me a nice spread. The only thing is I'd have to order the BSTs and the Vixens from different suppliers so up goes the postage cost. Would I see a real difference between the BSTs and the Vixens? - in other words should I just go for all Vixens or BSTs? plus to complicate things I see the Celestron X Cel LX range are now £59 which seems good as well!

Some more info which seems useful for questions on eyepieces is that I don't wear glasses (apart from weak reading ones) and I am very lucky to have virtually zero light pollution here in Donegal.

I know it's yet another eyepiece question but I'd like to be reasonably sure I make the right choice ... thanks all!



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The BSTs come highly recommended on this forum, but I personally have not used them. I got Celestron XLs and I am very happy with them. I do have the Revelation Barlow and it is very good value for the money and works well in my 200p.

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Hiya. The BSTs are very well regarded, and in your scope will do very well (in faster scopes like mine they do distort a little around the periphery), but also, like the Revelation Plossls, they're not the widest of views. If you could track down some Explore Scientific 68-degree EPs/maxvisions or the Meade equivalent they'd give a wider field of view. 

There's also the option of getting a decent zoom. Your scope is pretty forgiving when it comes to EPs, and a decent zoom would cover a lot of bases...


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The BST Starguiders are very good I have had them for a few years now. I get excellent views with them, I found they suited my needs, and are very comfortable to use, they might 

not suit everyone, but with the twist up eye cups you can find your own comfort zone, as with all eyepieces seeing conditions do count as well, so if you do purchase a couple give them

a few sessions before you give your verdict, I don't think you will be disappointed. 

Clear Sky's

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thanks guys .... a 40mm as well?! that would give me a great spread along with the 2.5x barlow ;) ... I think my wife may have hidden my wallet though!

yeah, I haven't seen a bad report on the BSTs ... only the 25mm seems to get a few negatives, I think I'll go for Vixen plossl for the 30mm (and if I can stretch to 40mm too) and BSTs at 15mm and 8mm with the Revelation 2.5x barlow, plus a collimator (nearly forgot one of those)

........ an expensive hobby but so worth it lol


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I forgot about the Barlow, the Rev 2.5 is also very good, it works very well with the Starguiders' you will get great views of Jupiter with the Rev and the 15mm Starguider, as long

as the seeing is reasonable.

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