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PhD2 graph help


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Thanks everyone,  I really need to update my signature I keep forgetting as its not shown on mobile. 

I'm using a heq5 with a 9x50 finder guider. 

I usually use eqmod but I tried the st4 to rule out a duff cable but still to no avail. One thing that I was thinking last night was could a dodgy power supply have any effect? I'm using a mains supply from modern astronomy (the multiple one)  it's rated at 5a but maybe when temp drops my ccd and mount are too much? 


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No it looks more like a mechanical problem. A power glitch wouldn't cause your dec to move 40 arc seconds in the opposite direction to the PA drift.

Check that everything is balanced and everything is tight and secure. In particular check that the finder dovetail has no movement.

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