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Jupiter 12-3-16


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persevered tonight with a swift 30 minutes visual, even through the murky mist I could see Jove pretty clearly so had a quick dabble with the ASI224/C8 combo.

Gradually fogged up and frame rates kept dropping but managed a few decentish runs.

pipped 4000 frames to 1500 and stacked 10% in autostakkert, wavelets in R6


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Not trying to hijack your thread but here's my image from the same day, at 0342 UT. Had about an hour of clear sky in between bands of rain so the seeing wasn't the greatest. 


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Hi Knobby

I can tell from that image that the UK has a had good seeing spell, But poor trans

Anyone with large scopes and the more sensitive Cmoss chips should do well under these conditions.

A heads up to everyone, jet stream after Tuesday going into wed. Will likely continue this good seeing spell, but poor trans period. Its time to be on the watchout for any periods of

usable transparency.

Nice detail knobby. I got out too late, as I fell asleep lol.

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Nice image, you may like to try stacking more frames to reduce noise, then it will take a bit more sharpening. 

If the seeing was steady in the mist, as it was here, a greater number of higher quality frames should be there. Try 40%.


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