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celestron c6r refractor

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Hi every one 

I have just receiver a celestron C6R f8 refractor . This is my first large refractor ,when I say large I mean anything over 102 mm. Is there any one out there that has one of these ? Is there anything I should know like quarks about it before I start using it. The mount I am using is the advanced vx goto  mount. Celestron sells them on this mount and I already had the mount for my c8 so I just got ota. I would like to try taking some pictures with it . I have all the adapters  they will work on my C8 as well. I'm just asking to kind of get an idea as to what to expect from this thing 


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They are quite nice visual scopes. The biggest problem I can see is just that, they are big, and long. Astrophotography may be challenging with it because of the guiding challenges assuming you mean deep sky imaging.

Its a good deep sky visual scope, it will show CA on bright objects. I guess at f8 it is also quite slow for AP

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I've owned a few of them. If yours is one of the good ones then it should perform nicely although they do show a fair amount of chromatic aberration around brighter stars, planets and the moon as you would expect from an F/8 achromat.

They do require a sturdy mount because of the length of the tube as much as it's weight.


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The Giant. :icon_biggrin:

I was looking at one of these at first, but my objective was the objective.

I learned it is not as much an Astrophotography telescope, as it is a viewing telescope.

Long story short, this 6" 50" long monster was my first love, but didn't work for my plan.

So I wound up in a Triple APO telescope. Short, light, precise, precision star shooter. I have a ~13 pound load all told on my 30 pound rated mount.

Or, about like a flea on an elephants back.

Can you take pictures through it? Most likely, probably great ones. But there would come a time you would long for better.

The coolest thing is much of the AP kit can be moved from scope to scope.

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