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Images at 90 degrees in APT?!?

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I was taking a set of 10 min lights of M51 last night using a Canon 1100d and Astro Photography Tool.   , guided with PHD2. The first few images captured normally and I was getting some pretty good results but then for some strange reason the images displayed in APT after each exposure all flipped 90 degrees but remained in Landscope - so ended up looking stretched. I checked the raw subs and they were the same in my Lights folder but when I put them all into Deep Sky Stacker they appeared normal and DSS stacked them perfectly. 

Anyone experienced this with APT before or know what may have caused this? I've never had it before. 


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28 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

If it's not causing problems in DSS then it's probably nothing to worry about.

That's true but the problem is the stretching was making the stars look elongated when they were in fact pretty much okay so I couldn't tell how good my guiding was with the 90 degree flip & stretch.



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42 minutes ago, AstroJOE said:

That's true but the problem is the stretching was making the stars look elongated when they were in fact pretty much okay so I couldn't tell how good my guiding was with the 90 degree flip & stretch.



There is a setting in APT called Image Preview, I think you have this set to "Fit" not "1-1". "Fit" will squash portrait mode photos into the landscape rectangle.


apt fit.jpg

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8 hours ago, Cornelius Varley said:

well you were correct on both points. Haven't had chance to test it yet but I've amended the settings on both the camera and in APT now.  Thanks for the help ??

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