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I'm bored......with the weather


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I got so bored I reprocessed M33 through a red filter- not finished the other channels yet- it's just a play at present. 

Let me know what you think. I'm not sure if the patches are background noise or a flux being captured- I don't know if M33 has anything around it other than stars!

This was captured last December with the Celestron RASA. I'm using a master dark & bias but no flat field correction. I had a go with Starshrink but I need to play a bit more as I see artifacts around the 2 brightest stars. It is only 25 5 minute subs from my nasty light polluted garden.

Edit- I've just checked some deep photographs & the galaxy does have an integrated flux so it looks like my RASA can still go deep even from my garden covered in sodium lights- so that's a result.



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8 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Science can't prove a negative so who knows? However, I have never found anything flux-like around here - so far!


Okay- no flux- can you make the sky clear......that should be a bit easier?

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