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Anyone here broadcasting on VAL

stepping beyond

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I've got a dilemma that has taken me on a 9day 8 night journey to "no where".  I got my xsplit channel and loaded my QHY5-ll M,  got help setting up my channel with VAL and since Ihaven't had a live stream though the xsplit says I 'm live streaming. I also want to add my deep space cam and a color cam for Planetary . I've watched every video on the xsplit site but, I'm still not getting my other cams to link up what's up ,  you can't just try it for free and then make a decision . Help ! isn't it free

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Hello Ronnie,

X Split is free as Carl mentioned.  There is a licensed version but the free version is all you need.  Are you in a position to go live now so I can check my end?  As for adding cameras, X Split should see any camera or video grabber you have connected to your PC.  

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Hello Ronnie,


I have just double checked your codes and they are correct so it should be working.   When you click the channel name in X Split, do you see the red writing at the top saying you are live?  If so does it should be working unless you are dropping frames.  What is your upload speed like?

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