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Jupiter Vid 24-02-2016 03:10am


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From left to right; Io, Ganymede, and Jupiter. Full clip was 1m 30s. Taken with a logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 in a Skywatcher 200p. The Mount was an EQ5 with RA Motor drive. I used a cheap x5 Barlow that cost a tenner. The cheap barlow is the reason for the blue fringing around Jupiter I imagine.






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9 hours ago, todd8137 said:

Very cool  nice vid could you not turn the camera in the focuser 


At that magnification the EQ5/200p combination tends to be very wobbly. As I'd got the moons in shot I decided to leave well alone.




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4 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Have you tried stacking the video using PIPP/Autostakkert?

It's less noisy than my lifecam, and that works well so you should get good results.

I've done a quick process with Registax, and it's my best yet apart from the blue halo. I think I can get better results If I spend some time on it with PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax wavelets and gimp. But here's the quicky registax with wavlets, RGB align, gamma, contrast and brightness adjustments.


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Nice video and great to see.  I think if you remove the Barlow you will get much better focus and results.  I use an SCB-2000 for Jupiter and no Barlow is needed as the sensor is small plus the camera will (if required zoom in a little).  Might be worth a look on Ebay as I picked up two recently for £25 each!


Here is an example using the SCB-2000 with no Barlow - Edit: fast forward to 31 seconds




Thanks for posting 

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4 minutes ago, Spacedout said:

Sorry I should have said that was taken with my old C11 scope though still a bit bigger than an 8" I suppose.  

A lot more focal length too! That would push the resolution right up. I've posted the stacked pictures from the night here:



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There's some thing in the software called ROI. Does no one use this any more because as great as these images are I,see,far to much sky in most images here's my no Barlow dmk 21 using the roi it's all planet no back ground 



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