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NGC2903- First Attempt


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Instinct told me not to photograph a very small galaxy under a full moon with LRGB filters- BUT I'm a sucker for punishment. My attempt is below. The sky was a bit hazy & the seeing was dancing but I had a go. The camera was an Atik 460 1x1 binning (over sampled!) and Baader LRGB filters 10 x 10 minutes in each channel using the C11 Edge HD at F7 with the ONAG guider. I processed in PixInsight & the L layer added in Photoshop CS6. Not brilliant but I intend to redo when conditions are better as I don't like the stars being not round & the hazy detail- I can do better when conditions allow. I need to work on the core next time around as its a bit over exposed.

Let me know what you think!



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