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Moon last night.


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Nice moon yesterday at dusk,  viewed ISS also passing W to E below Polaris just before dark.  Was a brief session to rough sight in new finder. Tri-pod-ED80TCF-Atik Infinity-80 frames or so stacked live in Infinity capture software.  Some minor problems at 12 o-clock, will be better with rejection on and tracking with EQ mount. 



moo - Copy.jpg

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That's a nice high-contrast image. Have you stretched the colour balance? The tone seems warmer towards the limb than it is near the terminator. Might just be the effect of the maria around that region.


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4 hours ago, NigeB said:

That's a nice high-contrast image. Have you stretched the colour balance? The tone seems warmer towards the limb than it is near the terminator. Might just be the effect of the maria around that region.


Thank you, didn't do any stretching or adjust contrast just boosts to sharpness, clarity and messed with shadows.  My guess would be camera being in auto-color mode vs manual color and stack rejection not turned on.   Prob got a few green moons into the stack / using tri-pod it was moving rather fast.

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