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so thought I would have another look at my laptop and EQMOd, (I just cant get it to run). Anyway I was browsing old posts on here (trying to find how to remove the ports) when I came across a Maxim post, and it basically was about having issues with using Maxim as a one for all type thing (guiding etc). So with that in mind I wondered could I use Maxim to run CDC or stellarium without eqmod? Or do I definetly need eqmod.  I have tried everything with eqmod and the only thing I can come up with is maybe the lead, to try this out though is going to cost me another £27 for a new lead. Surely there must be a way to find out without spending money?

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26 minutes ago, brrttpaul said:

so thought I would have another look at my laptop and EQMOd, (I just cant get it to run). Anyway I was browsing old posts on here (trying to find how to remove the ports) when I came across a Maxim post, and it basically was about having issues with using Maxim as a one for all type thing (guiding etc). So with that in mind I wondered could I use Maxim to run CDC or stellarium without eqmod? Or do I definetly need eqmod.  I have tried everything with eqmod and the only thing I can come up with is maybe the lead, to try this out though is going to cost me another £27 for a new lead. Surely there must be a way to find out without spending money?

paul have you tried changing the Baud im not sure what is does but i had the same issue. i then selected the port and searched each one. if it doesn't work change the Baud to a different value and search again. 

make sure your LAT & LONG are the same in EQMOD & CDC aswell .





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thx for the reply, yes I tried that, tried everything, from memory im pretty sure it picked the comm port up etc just wouldnt connect so I am guessing that its definately the lead its just grinding with me a bit £27 for a lead you would think there would be a way to check first, also  I have just been looking at maxim-view observatory-telescope and it has N,S,E,W similer to eqmod so I just wondered would that connect independent of eqmod

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6 hours ago, brrttpaul said:

thx for the reply, yes I tried that, tried everything, from memory im pretty sure it picked the comm port up etc just wouldnt connect so I am guessing that its definately the lead its just grinding with me a bit £27 for a lead you would think there would be a way to check first, also  I have just been looking at maxim-view observatory-telescope and it has N,S,E,W similer to eqmod so I just wondered would that connect independent of eqmod

after you have done that do you then go to: Telescope, control panel, connect.

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I use EQMOD with an AstroEQ mount controller. The search function in EQMOD has never worked for me, so I have to select the port manually.

Sometimes (I think depending on whether I plug my camera in first) the COM port of the mount changes and won't connect. I just go into Device Manager and check what port its connected to and select that one in EQMOD.

Might be worth checking in Device Manager what port is active/connected.

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